Anyone want to come by and help with flushmount signal install?

Also, like someone else had mentioned, they will blink faster but who cares.

They may also not blink at all. There were a few threads in the tech section describing such a symptom.
hahah thanks and your right....this is not a fender eliminator, I did just install one (with help) but opted to keep stock signals instead of getting others or integrated...these are my side indicators on fairings....I bought the proton flushmount LEDS....they can be installed as normal or fading etc...I realize they may not be quite as visible as stock but Im ok with it.


i think some of you are confused! She sais she wanted flushmounts installed, not a fender eliminator. I would love to help, but not free tonight. Also, like someone else had mentioned, they will blink faster but who cares.
I have leds in the back and led flishies in the front, they blink faster, but find its actualyl more noticable!

Oh and will you " it makes you invisible" nazis chillax! geeesh, they look cool! Who cares!
FAIL answer is NO lol

Krashasaki is an electrical engineer, and is currently working in the Bayview and Eglinton area. Krashasaki would love to come help you with your flushmount LEDs, if you're willing to fulfill Krashasaki's request that he made yesterday.
I think she's playing the helpless female role to snag a man. How hard is it to watch a Youtube tutorial and learn how to install yourself?
Hahha this female is very independent actually, and have done most of the work on my bike myself, just prefer to learn from someone that knows the electrical part of fact my fender install was worked on with another lady on this forum...good try though!

Dont get jealous just cause you have a wife and cant leg hump :)


I think she's playing the helpless female role to snag a man. How hard is it to watch a Youtube tutorial and learn how to install yourself?
if you want to pop by i can help you out...
Sorry Jenn, you're a bit too far for me to stop by and help. Otherwise I'd have no issues with electrical and re-wiring.

As for HIDs, I'm sure everyone can see you, the question is...can those people see anything all afterwards.
Properly setup HIDs are not blinding. I'm running 55W 6000k HIDs on my lifted Jeep and I rarely get flashed.
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Hahha this female is very independent actually, and have done most of the work on my bike myself, just prefer to learn from someone that knows the electrical part of fact my fender install was worked on with another lady on this forum...good try though!

Dont get jealous just cause you have a wife and cant leg hump :)


1. Download a service manual for your bike. They include a wiring schematic in the back usually.
It'll save you a lot of guessing and probing.

2. Get a 1/2 decent multimeter. They're relatively cheap and a good tool to have kicking around the box.
Hahha this female is very independent actually, and have done most of the work on my bike myself, just prefer to learn from someone that knows the electrical part of fact my fender install was worked on with another lady on this forum...good try though!

Dont get jealous just cause you have a wife and cant leg hump :)


There isn't a thing to be learned about the electric part. Its simple, you disconnect your battery so you don't electrocute or fry anything. Make note of which wire is for which signal on your bike (I'd tape for laziness factor). Then cut the connectors off the signals you are taking off and connect them to the new signal. You can solder the wire, use crimp connectors or even electrical tape.

The Google is pretty awesome, plugged in "installing flush mounts kawasaki" and after 2 minutes found this While this might not be your bike or flush mounts, the guide given will be the same regardless.
Then cut the connectors off the signals you are taking off and connect them to the new signal. You can solder the wire, use crimp connectors or even electrical tape.

The Google is pretty awesome, plugged in "installing flush mounts kawasaki" and after 2 minutes found this While this might not be your bike or flush mounts, the guide given will be the same regardless.

Don't encourage shoddy work. You COULD use electrical tape but with all of the heat and vibration on a bike, why would you take the risk of it coming loose and at the very least failing. At the worse: Shorting out.
Hahha this female is very independent actually, and have done most of the work on my bike myself, just prefer to learn from someone that knows the electrical part of fact my fender install was worked on with another lady on this forum...good try though!

Dont get jealous just cause you have a wife and cant leg hump :)


I leg hump with the best of them. I just hate it when internet girls fall in love with me.
Don't encourage shoddy work. You COULD use electrical tape but with all of the heat and vibration on a bike, why would you take the risk of it coming loose and at the very least failing. At the worse: Shorting out.

True dat.
WTH? It's almost 3 hours since the OP - A CHICK posted and not one serious offer?
Wow. This place has really gone downhill since... OH SNAP! Never mind.
hmmm first you almost got nailed, now you want help with a mount. Seems to me from the posts the last few days Jenn's in heat. She seems like one of those girls that got a bike because she thinks she can get a lot of guys drooling over her.
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