Anyone here a cyclist? | Page 68 |

Anyone here a cyclist?

I see it more as helpful for beginners, families, kids and more risk averse people riding their bikes
They might be mounted too high because most cyclists don’t see those signals.
They might be mounted too high because most cyclists don’t see those signals.
Yeah on my commutes with those lights (ie martin goodman trail) i'd say half stay back and wait, and the other half just goes through 🙃
Would have been nice to know these details before the web existed as well as forums. lol.

Grew up in the BMX age when feet movement was quite acceptable and road bikes were for skinny fancy pants riders. lol.

I did grow older and read enough to know the benefits clips provide riders and had hiking boots with clips for my MTB that I rode and towed my infant daughter to day care before work through 4 season riding. Thank god the employer had a gym with shower to start my shift fresh.

I still revert back to platform peddles on most anything I ride and avoid the road at any cost. Glad I’m out in the sticks now being an old fart, riding far and slow and wasting any physical benefits of riding on cheap liquor during the evenings. It all makes sense when I rationalize it this way.

If you have any unreasonable obsession, follow it as far as your ability and budget will allow. I’m terribly over weight but, enjoy going slow with the cheap fat tire bike along the beach all 4 seasons. If it floats your boat, keep it afloat!
I always thought I had rhythm.

Apparently the mountain bike pump track disproves that assumption.

How the heck do you do a lap without peddling? I get stuck half way round.
I always thought I had rhythm.

Apparently the mountain bike pump track disproves that assumption.

How the heck do you do a lap without peddling? I get stuck half way round.
Manualling (like FullMoto suggested) the pump track is the proper way to ride it. However, if you’re like me and can’t manual to save your life then do the next best thing- use your legs; specifically your hips and knees.
For example: when the pump track dips, extend your legs. When it inclines, retract them. Time your movements right and you’ll have more than enough momentum to get around the track without a single crank of the pedals.

Hope this helps, it’s kind of hard to explain without a good demonstration.
Manualling (like FullMoto suggested) the pump track is the proper way to ride it. However, if you’re like me and can’t manual to save your life then do the next best thing- use your legs; specifically your hips and knees.
For example: when the pump track dips, extend your legs. When it inclines, retract them. Time your movements right and you’ll have more than enough momentum to get around the track without a single crank of the pedals.

Hope this helps, it’s kind of hard to explain without a good demonstration.

I know I’m overthinking it, trying too hard and not being relaxed enough. I’ll keep at it.
I always thought I had rhythm.

Apparently the mountain bike pump track disproves that assumption.

How the heck do you do a lap without peddling? I get stuck half way round.
As backward as it seems the quick route to developing the skill is to practice for around a five minute interval than let it go till the next day then repeat. The key is not to attempt till frustrated or anxious. This works for mastering most complex physical tasks FWIW.
Yes and no. It feels like it’s getting easier to clip out. Could just have been an overly stiff new mechanism. I’ve actually had a few more issues clipping in though but I suspect it’s poor technique.
Make sure the bolts screwing the cleats to the shoes are tightened. I lost one and it caused the shoes to not unclip.

How are people dealing with the multitude of unlicensed uninsured electric motorcycles flipping between bike lanes, roads and sometimes sidewalks? Do you just avoid Toronto?
How are people dealing with the multitude of unlicensed uninsured electric motorcycles flipping between bike lanes, roads and sometimes sidewalks? Do you just avoid Toronto?
E motorcycles on the bike paths? That's a new one. Scooters I could see...

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