Anyone here a cyclist?

It is like asking what motorcycle oil is best :).

On my road going bikes and every "other people's bikes" I service I use Tri-Flow Superior Lubricant. It is not due to any deep thought or deep scientific reasons, it works good and is easy to buy, but I am not married to it, anything like it will work. MC lube is likely too heavy.

On my off-road bikes I use chain wax/dry lube. There is lots of debate on this but it has always worked well for me (for decades). I do not use it on other people's bikes as I feel they will not keep it up (but I do on my kids MTB bikes as I service them), so I keep it simple with the above Tri-Flow for other people.
Trifle is one I have had in the past and was ok with. When it ran out I had other lube so I didn't bother getting more of it.

I boughtt a huge bottle of rocknroll gold and that is what I have used for almost everything for years.
Mc lube is too heavy and sticky. I have used many and have no huge preference between the good ones. Buy a bottle of something good from the bike store for $15 and that should last you a very long time. Given a choice, I'd probably choose dru lube as it picks up less dirt and I don't expect you'll be riding through a ton of mud.
3 votes for dry lube/chain wax. But not MC chain wax correct??

Any half decent wax at CrapTire??
3 votes for dry lube/chain wax. But not MC chain wax correct??

Any half decent wax at CrapTire??
molten speed wax is what i get
there's a whole process around it (removing all oil lubes on existing chain) but after that initial strip is done its easy
Whatever chain lube that you use try to use it sparingly and try to apply it only on the rollers.
Excess lube is messy and just attracts dirt.
I found that if you ride dirt and gravel the oil (even dry lube) will attract the dirt and crud and wear the chain out faster. I am now of the camp of only oil when chain looks orange or if you hear it, and then only sparingly. In winter I dry it after salty rides and then add some lube (I keep buying what the LBS says and that keeps changing). I found that changing the chain every other year was the best insurance. KMC chains wear the best and Shimano ones suck. This is from a mountain bike for summer and downhill (tank) bike for winter. The thoroughbred road bikes I have no knowledge (except my 70's 10 speed).

My current line rotation. The pen thingy allows me to add drop by drop into the individual link, when I have the patience.
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Picked up a new e-bike for my wife. Damn I actually really like riding it very smooth assist and very nice up hill.

Sent from the future
Picked up a new e-bike for my wife. Damn I actually really like riding it very smooth assist and very nice up hill.

Sent from the future

Hmm. Apparently I need to get a little fitter so I’m looking at replacing my years old unpleasant to ride bike with something else. I hadn’t thought about an e-bike but I’m wondering if I’d just be too tempted to switch the motor on and whiz about and not get fit at all. Do you find yourself peddling a lot?

What sort of commuter bike should I get? I’m out of the loop. My last bike purchase went purely by cost.

This any good? I can get another 14% off with a Brim credit card too. Men's Gravel Bike Subcompact Shimano 105 - GRVL 520 - Dark chocolate truffle, Bright tomato - Triban - Decathlon

Or this for carrying more crap… Touring Bike - Riverside 900 - Dark green, [EN] bronze khaki green - Riverside - Decathlon
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Hmm. Apparently I need to get a little fitter so I’m looking at replacing my years old unpleasant to ride bike with something else. I hadn’t thought about an e-bike but I’m wondering if I’d just be too tempted to switch the motor on and whiz about and not get fit at all. Do you find yourself peddling a lot?

What sort of commuter bike should I get? I’m out of the loop. My last bike purchase went purely by cost.

This any good? I can get another 14% off with a Brim credit card too. Men's Gravel Bike Subcompact Shimano 105 - GRVL 520 - Dark chocolate truffle, Bright tomato - Triban - Decathlon

Or this for carrying more crap… Touring Bike - Riverside 900 - Dark green, [EN] bronze khaki green - Riverside - Decathlon
Commuter bike choice for me is largely dictated by secure storage. If I am locking it up outside, I ride the cheapest bikes I can get my hands on.
Commuter bike choice for me is largely dictated by secure storage. If I am locking it up outside, I ride the cheapest bikes I can get my hands on.

This is going to either never leave my sight or be locked in my office at work. I just want something comfortable, not overly heavy (in case I need to lug it anywhere) maybe capable of trails as we have some nice ones that are only for bikes nearby.
I tried. Failed miserably.
I went through a lot of bikes in university. About one a year would get stolen. Since then, commuting by bike has been impossible due to distance.

Jc, based on your description, most 700c hybrids will be good enough. Pedelec would increase travel speed with the penalty of lots more weight and upfront cost. 28 or 32 width tires are nice to commute on. I've had good luck with gatorskins surviving urban crap.

Compact or sub-compact crank is a good idea. A full size crank needs a group to be able to spin it.
I went through a lot of bikes in university. About one a year would get stolen. Since then, commuting by bike has been impossible due to distance.

Jc, based on your description, most 700c hybrids will be good enough. Pedelec would increase travel speed with the penalty of lots more weight and upfront cost. 28 or 32 width tires are nice to commute on. I've had good luck with gatorskins surviving urban crap.

Compact or sub-compact crank is a good idea. A full size crank needs a group to be able to spin it.

Is much of that in English?

Sub compact refers to the size of the crank? What’s the deal with that?

One thing I don’t like with my current bike is the flat bars. Also, how are seats these days? I don’t want to feel like I’ve been to a single gender orgy after a ride. Basically if it’s comfortable I’ll ride it.
Hmm. Apparently I need to get a little fitter so I’m looking at replacing my years old unpleasant to ride bike with something else. I hadn’t thought about an e-bike but I’m wondering if I’d just be too tempted to switch the motor on and whiz about and not get fit at all. Do you find yourself peddling a lot?

What sort of commuter bike should I get? I’m out of the loop. My last bike purchase went purely by cost.

This any good? I can get another 14% off with a Brim credit card too. Men's Gravel Bike Subcompact Shimano 105 - GRVL 520 - Dark chocolate truffle, Bright tomato - Triban - Decathlon

Or this for carrying more crap… Touring Bike - Riverside 900 - Dark green, [EN] bronze khaki green - Riverside - Decathlon
The motor doesn't work unless you are pedaling it has a Yamaha motor. It makes it easy to cruise at 30 plus km/h. Range is around 100 kms there are multiple assist levels and it rides like a normal bike when off.

Sent from the future
I went through a lot of bikes in university. About one a year would get stolen.

I bought a bike to turn into a SS that I could ride into town and leave locked up outside a pub. Number one requirement - had to be black on black with black accents.

Ooooooh, these Avid Ultimate Black-Ops brakes will look nice on it. I have some Syncros hub and Mavic ceramic rims sitting here. Theses OG Shimano DX BMX pedals will work. Oh yea, some black Pro Tapers. Carbon Flite? Sure. It's comfy and it is black. Why not. When I stepped back it was worth too much money to leave unattended. Well, I did try. Didn't pan out. :)

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