Anyone here a cyclist?

Hardline is looking brutal this year even with a track change trying to decide if i want to watch it live as i hate to see competitors leaving the venue on stretchers.
Hardline is wild!!! Those kids are insane
Riding along Toronto waterfront again last weekend saw way too many speed demons on bicycles. Thinking if they ring their bell they're in the clear and can do mach speed past others. There has to be some seriously hard hits on the regular. So dangerous with small dogs on same pathway that can easily walk into their path unknowingly as well.
Riding along Toronto waterfront again last weekend saw way too many speed demons on bicycles. Thinking if they ring their bell they're in the clear and can do mach speed past others. There has to be some seriously hard hits on the regular. So dangerous with small dogs on same pathway that can easily walk into their path unknowingly as well.
The lack of courtesy by everyone on that trail would be shocking if it wasn't so common. Why the *(&^(*&^ would someone walk their dog along a trail where people are regularly going 20 km/h (speed limit) or higher. Walk on the grass or the walking path that runs parallel or . . . It is just a dick move most of the time. I don't walk in the middle of the road as I don't want to get run over and the same applies to the path. Stay out of traffic number one and if that's not possible, stay to the side. I've seen some dogs get rocked as the owner was at one edge of the path and the leashed dog was at the other edge (and the owner making zero effort to correct the situation). The retractable leash isn't very visible and gets caught by wheeled things that take the only available path between them. Walkers nine times out of ten walk side by side and spread out as much as possible to block entire path. Cyclists dropping into aerobars are also a terrible idea. High speed and minimal control. Just mostly aholes all around.
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There is a spot in Ajax where the waterfront trail splits into two parts. The naming I cannot recall but one trail is for walking and the other for cycling.

This should really be done for the entire trail system. Sadly common sense is no longer common.
MGT is a big "avoid" on weekends for me. I don't want to be riding 10km/h on the trail.
There are kids and families and their whole fur families and strollers. Not worth it
There is a spot in Ajax where the waterfront trail splits into two parts. The naming I cannot recall but one trail is for walking and the other for cycling.

This should really be done for the entire trail system. Sadly common sense is no longer common.
MGT has that... sidewalk by the water... and bike trail closer to the road for the most part
MGT has that... sidewalk by the water... and bike trail closer to the road for the most part
And how many of the walkers are in the bike/rollerblade path? In my experience (more than a decade ago), almost all walkers were on the bike path. Maybe 10% near the water. Maybe 2% of the dogs/young kids near the water, the rest were on the bike path
I stay away from the Waterfront Trail, road or forest for me.
Blown away :oops:
at least watch the first demo run
Yikes!!!!! I remember watching the original Hardline, the features now are insanity.
Hey all, since my Squeeze and I just got new bikes my question is what chain lube? Bike shop guys said MC chain lube wasn't a good idea.
Any suggestions??
Hey all, since my Squeeze and I just got new bikes my question is what chain lube? Bike shop guys said MC chain lube wasn't a good idea.
Any suggestions??
Mc lube is too heavy and sticky. I have used many and have no huge preference between the good ones. Buy a bottle of something good from the bike store for $15 and that should last you a very long time. Given a choice, I'd probably choose dru lube as it picks up less dirt and I don't expect you'll be riding through a ton of mud.
It is like asking what motorcycle oil is best :).

On my road going bikes and every "other people's bikes" I service I use Tri-Flow Superior Lubricant. It is not due to any deep thought or deep scientific reasons, it works good and is easy to buy, but I am not married to it, anything like it will work. MC lube is likely too heavy.

On my off-road bikes I use chain wax/dry lube. There is lots of debate on this but it has always worked well for me (for decades). I do not use it on other people's bikes as I feel they will not keep it up (but I do on my kids MTB bikes as I service them), so I keep it simple with the above Tri-Flow for other people.
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