Anyone here a cyclist?

I always pass fatbike riders on the snowmobile trails and they'll swear they're having fun but they always look miserable. Nah I'll just stick to sledding.
Funny that they never say thanks for us spending $300 on a sled pass that pays to groom the trails that they're now using but ya know, whatever.
Park PCS-1 stand for a decent price.

Anyone Jonsing to watch the spring classic bicycle races after the GCN departure can get their fix at

Do they stream live? Tour of Flanders is always good, especially if it rains. NBC shows Roubaix, but they aren't committed 100% to broadcasting it.
But traffic laws don't apply to me. I'm on a bicycle.
I log more than a few km's pedaling and i'm sad to say that the majority of the other cyclists are as distracted or zoned out as the typical daytime car driver. When i ride i do not have headphones on or any device in sight. not saying this to be virtuous its only my sense of self preservation here its amazing how much easier it is to stay out of jams if you are paying attention to your surroundings.
The upside is that things tend to come at you slower when you have to pedal towards them VS on a motorcycle.
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