Anyone Going To Port Dover Friday 13th?


Well-known member
I will be heading down to Port Dover on Friday 13th for the Motorcycle Rally. Wanted to know if anyone else is planning or wanting to go?

I think there should be a larger "Sport Bike" population at PD13. Its a great party and not to far from GTA.

They usually have Beer Tents with Concerts (free), Lots and Lots of Motorcycles (both crusers and sports) and tons of different clubs out. Its pretty safe though, lots of Police just watching for fights N stuff, not bothering bikes to much though.

More information at
I and about 50,000 of my closest friends will be going to PD13 ;)

Booked the day off (had to burn some annual leave time) so if the forecast is nice, I'll be leaving petawawa Thursday, staying the night east of TO and then continuing to Simcoe, my hometown to drop my gear off and hook up with my buddies then off to Dover.
is it worth going around 5pm on the Friday? or will i have missed most of what goes on. (first time here but i live relatively close)
Tons of traffic with cruisers.... crusiers, and more cruisers. If you are looking for a sport bike scene it's probably not worth.
So I'm guessing this is another bike meet, I might as well try it out. Are there any twisty roads en route to port dover?

Best you are going to get is get off the 401 at Homer Watson in Kitchener, Head south to Blair road go right and take that to the end and turn right and take that road out to Paris (Can't think of the name but Blair road Tee's up to it.)
From there you could head to Brantford and head up Cayuga way and around.

Those are about the only decent roads on the way, The rest is like the prairies.

This is the way I take: Its a lot longer but more enjoyable.
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I will likely be going, always a good time. Most vendors and such are geared towards the cruiser population. But the bands and the party are for everybody. There's starting to be a lot more sportbikes and dual-sports in attendance. All in all, a good time, especially if you've never been. Small beach town of like 3000, swells to 50 000 or so.... Lots of police, they don't bug you unless you need it. Definitely expect to hit a RIDE on the way out, or bring a tent and camp free at the schoolyard.
is it worth going around 5pm on the Friday? or will i have missed most of what goes on. (first time here but i live relatively close)
The crowd pretty well thins out by five. It is most busy by mid afternoon. It may still be worth the drive though... Yes I'm going with about 20 + bikers.
is it worth going around 5pm on the Friday? or will i have missed most of what goes on. (first time here but i live relatively close)

you'll just miss the old women with their saggy old titties hanging out...
The fun starts in the evening.
I'm planning to go. It's my first season riding so I've never been. Like to leave Scarborough in the early morning. Depending on work schedules I may have a riding partner. If anyone is planning to head out in the morning I wouldn't mind tagging along. I'm in a Vulcan 500.
Being from Port Dover/Simcoe area it would be blasphemy for me not to head down now that I actually own a bike.
You'll see more Klingons than at a Star Trek convention.

These bodyfat/bodyhair meet & greets are always a good time. Not sure if I'll be going this year though.
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