@brian p has your annual mileage gone down using EV? Or is travel still limited by the pandemic?
I’m back in the saddle for work and travelling by vehicle again. Not as much as before but, still pretty heavy.
If I had an EV, there would be some planning ahead of just jumping in the car and go.
My only reservation out EVs at the moment is winter range anxiety as I travel from St Catharines to London fairly regular and the stops are not near a charging station.
We also travel from St Catharines to Chesterville 8 times a year.
So a secondary vehicle that is EV could work and use the petro vehicle for those specific circumstances.
The other concern is if we use the EV a lot, what is the impact to battery life and range down the road?
Brakes and tires, wheel bearings and other wear bits occur after 3/4 years and 100k. But, the fuel efficiently and range stays relatively the same.
EV maintenance can be less but, a looming battery pack replacement could be discouraging. Like those that lease vehicles and run way over on their mileage…..
I like the idea of charging at home and have a fairly consistent cost on electricity. Bombing around here and the GTA wouldn’t be a worry.
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Im not a fan of plug in hybrids, however you are prime candidate for the new Prius.....
other than that, for pure electrics, I still think Tesla "does it best" at the moment. been saying it for years, and its still true today.