Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

A pumper? Wow. That wouldnt have been my choice as an early adopter EV. High power over a long time is the enemy of electric.

I think it will be used as a "Squad" but technically most Fire Apparatus are "Pumpers"

EDIT: Looking at the brochure it appears to have a Diesel Powered Range extender for extended Pumping Operations.
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So far none…,but I’ll get there dontcha worry!

but I do need a new windshield washer nozzle…this one keeps popping out when I squirt. Can’t find a pic and I already popped it back in. I’m considering super glue.

Call Elon. He'll send you a little tub of the glue Tesla uses to attach their roofs.
Audi Q4 e-tron

This is the same platform as the VW ID4. I don't particularly care for the styling of the ID4 (inside or out) ... but I like this. They've also ditched some of the capacitive-touch controls and replaced them with more normal-feeling switches.
Since this thread is on EVs just wanted to share my experiences with in-laws and my own parents owning Teslas.
The car itself is great, advanced cruise control (autopilot) works great, acceleration is amazing, supercharging network and home charging works as intended, batteries are still good. Lots of features I did like, remote app control of vehicle. Almost one pedal driving. Autopilot. Resale value is amazing, due to low volume and no real competitors (yet) they do not depreciate a ton.

Downsides and why I will never buy and will tell all others to stay away from Tesla in the future:
QC and mechanicals: the QC problems are there, panel gaps are all over the place, for our wedding we borrowed 4 additional Model Xs and none of the 6 had gaps that were uniform. Doors do not align. Might be minor but shows that their QC isn't up to spec on simple visible items so what about everything else?
Both parents and inlaws Model X have been back to Tesla numerous times for warranty issues. Screen staying black, one rear window opened and stayed open in the dead of winter, leaking water through door trim.
Customer service: for a $130k vehicle, we've had the service department break a volume button while the car was in for a tire/wheel change. no proper communication, blamed us for their mistake and alluded that we had somehow worn out tires and unbalanced tires in 2 weeks/<100kms. Long story so don't want to add it all.
No corporate phone line to escalate above the dealer/service center. Emails and contact forms have been unanswered.
If you are looking to buy a Tesla, watch RichRebuilds video on trying to buy a used pre-owned. It really shows how their company is structured and how little accountability there is.

also have to add that this new Yoke steering wheel is stupid AF and someone will get into an accident from it.
Yeah, it's for all those reasons I wouldn't consider one either.

My wife has expressed interest, but I see the real world experiences online (backed up many, many times) and just want to avoid all the hassle.

The status symbol or whatever "cachet" there is means nothing to either of us recently.

I think as the years roll on and more and more Teslas end up out of warranty and into the private sale / used car dealer network you're going to start seeing the bigger issues come out of the woodwork as well. It's bad enough to have all sorts of mechanical issues that require work when they're under warranty, but can you imagine owning one when you don't have that warranty to fall back onto?

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest these things are going to make 80's Cadillac's look downright reliable in comparison.
as the mighty Elon stated.... "anybody can make flashy electric prototypes full of hope and promises, its getting it to production that is the killer"

On again? this will be interesting....


For a guy who proudly proclaimed to other members more than once that you have me on Ignore and skip my posts.

you seem to enjoy my posts as you react and quote me often enough.....

Its ok though, it gives me great satisfaction knowing I have my own fanboys on this site.
Nah, took you off ignore. Comedy factor too high now.
Nah, took you off ignore. Comedy factor too high now.
the only thing more amusing then imagining the song and dance Sunny is doing these days is surpassed only by the 1 sided conversations i can see people having with him.
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Tesla unveils new air balloon tech.

You mean you are supposed to attach parts to the car? Maybe we have been analyzing Tesla QC improperly. Musk always thinks different. Maybe the bumper falling off, the roof flying off and the airbag falling out are features not faults. Save some weight on fasteners and adhesive to allow better range.
And that's on the stupid new "yoke" steering. Recall in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

edit: Link from that article to a video showing what it's like to drive with that yoke. Ugh. It was meant for racing cars where the steering wheel/yoke does less than one revolution lock to lock and you never have to move your hands out of position on it. For a road car ... nope. Putting the turn signal switches on the steering yoke/wheel is another bad idea. Making them touch sensors prone to accidental activation is yet another bad idea. Nope, nope, nope.
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Cool video find.

Building an EV is +/- 90% the same as building a combustion-engine car.

They pre-assemble the battery module and the front and rear subframes (drive unit, suspension, steering) with it all pre-connected on a pallet before dropping the body down onto it ... just like the old-school separate-frame-and-body construction was done, except without the frame!

(note: I work in this business)
But but but, I was the second post on the thread! None of you had ever heard of Tesla!

Plate #004. EXIF data says May 16, 2011.


I knew it was in there somewhere. Found it looking for a road shot of a Bricklin.
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