Another one bites the dust

Some greedy idiots in head office are saying "people don't like our cereal anymore! let's cut costs!"
If your crappy cereal was 3$ a box, you might sell some.
I doubt the "healthiest" cereal brands stole their market, people can eat bacon and eggs for less.

INDEED. Why eat cereal when you have bacon and eggs!?
Count Chocula dress way to dapper for me to think for a second he's losing money.

This is my signature
Canada Goose, one of the world’s leading makers of extreme weather outerwear, is selling a majority stake in the company to U.S. private investment firm Bain Capital.

I know and mentioned that. I figure they'll go with a year of "we're committed to 100% made in Canada" then offshore everything.

From facebook: This is exciting news for us but it doesn't change anything about the quality of CG. We're keeping it 100% Made in Canada - always have and we always will.
They sound so confident that it'll always be Made in Canada....until the Majority says so...
Bain Capital is under the ownership of Mitt Romney. I'd rather die than give any money to that war monger. Canada Goose will be toast when people see that Mitt Romney owns it.
Everyone should run out and buy some nice seal skin slippers. Support Canada!!
Can't afford to keep it going.... let's open a new one in Thailand. Sounds legit :rolleyes:

they're expanding it, not opening a new one. Obviously Thais are going to work for less than we will so it makes sense, even though it sucks.
As long as the Canadian gov't lets the companies be bought out, and then transfer the IP and the work offshore this will continue happening.

Canada has many times been described as the most expensive place in the world to manufacture anything. From labour wages, to hydro, to taxes for businesses the list just piles on and on.

It will continue happening, and I don't see much of a will / mandate by the government to stop this and keep jobs here. None of these companies care about the employees...all it comes down to is shareholder value and that's it.

Lay a bunch of people off, stock goes up, hooray for the shareholders!

Multinational corporations have become more powerful than national governments. Unbridled capitalism is ultimately fatal.
They sound so confident that it'll always be Made in Canada....until the Majority says so...

I figure it'll be within 2014 that they announce a change to a different manufacturing provide better value to the customer...where their manufacturing costs will go down a massive % but the selling price will remain the same.
Average labour per hour here 20$ per person. Average wage in china 30 cents. Multiply thousands of units, then pack into a container and ship here = WINNING!

How is this any different than having 22 inch chrome spinners on your car???? Canada Goose is Canada ********* and Ghetto.

And Bain Captial will outsource to China. This is what these investment firms do. Wake up, these jobs will go.

When you spend $800 on a jacket, you're no longer ghetto. Don't hate!
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