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Sounds like a lot of work.
Also, I don't know what that means!
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
This is like the boring version of Russians driving videos
A lot of stupidity in here, but unfortunately looks like any other commuting day.
If we all had dash cams, this thread would be 100 pages in a couple weeks.
Rob's videos are a perfect example of an average drive thru Toronto.
We haven't even seen anything really exciting yet, but i'm sure it won't be long if he keeps the cam running full time.
I hate Toronto.
Scary place to ride a bike. No wonder the "Fallen" forum is so full...
yes the drivers are atrocious, but let's not get into the 'its the other guy's fault' mentality - rob's vid above shows a biker that could create an issue on it's own.
Many bikers here take chances...
One thing I got to wondering about while watching that - how many times have you actually had the opportunity to produce video footage for insurance purposes, Rob?
One lane change from a car and he'd have been road pizza. If a car had even wandered a bit in its lane it could have been the same thing, given how close some of the passes were.
One thing I got to wondering about while watching that - how many times have you actually had the opportunity to produce video footage for insurance purposes, Rob?
Mr. Rob, I used to suffer a VERY similar route to work downtown! Gardiner on-ramps always made me irritable as people tried to merge with 100 km/h traffic at...40. If I had bothered to take any videos, they wouldn't be much different than yours. Fortunately, I didn't appear myself during the occaisonal bonehead moment.
SOOOoooo glad I moved. Midtown drivers are just as mentally challenged but resigned to the "improved" bottlenecks introduced by the experts.