Another Jackassery video

So you're saying it's safer to do a 3-point turn while traffic is passing you on either side, than to do a u-turn when traffic is clear???

Ah I get it now. Didn't see where you were making the distinction before.

People can be clueless even when they're doing a u-turn far from an intersection, where it's easier. So doing it close to an intersection isn't inherently unsafe, it just requires more caution.

No, I'm saying that cutting across 4 lanes of traffic is more dangerous, than it is to give people a means to avoid you by making a 3-point turn. You have to leave room for error. Or, as I said, just don't do it. Don't be an arrogant, impatient idiot and go around the block. More often than not this is the far better, safer option.

At intersections your line of sight is more frequently blocked. People turn onto the road and you make a turn? BAM! Right into the side of your vehicle. That's leaving out the possibility that you simply don't see a vehicle, that's going straight through.

With the guy pictured in my video, he obviously makes a habit of it (same vehicle twice, with different accessories showing). Eventually he's going to cause trouble for someone, just because of arrogance and impatience.
Love your videos, very entertaining and educational at the same time!
No, I'm saying that cutting across 4 lanes of traffic is more dangerous, than it is to give people a means to avoid you by making a 3-point turn. You have to leave room for error. Or, as I said, just don't do it. Don't be an arrogant, impatient idiot and go around the block. More often than not this is the far better, safer option.
The safer option is to stay home, but must people who drive do it because they need to get somewhere. It sounds like you could never get enough stop signs, speed bumps, or 3AM red lights to make the roads as safe as you'd like. In my view it's the traffic engineers who screwed up that intersection, not the SUV driver.

With the guy pictured in my video, he obviously makes a habit of it (same vehicle twice, with different accessories showing). Eventually he's going to cause trouble for someone, just because of arrogance and impatience.
I agree with the concern about the possibility that the driver isn't being as cautious as he needs to be given the speed and frequency which he appears to perform that manoever, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until I have reason not to, and there's nothing in your video that supports the view that he was being careless.
The safer option is to stay home, but must people who drive do it because they need to get somewhere. It sounds like you could never get enough stop signs, speed bumps, or 3AM red lights to make the roads as safe as you'd like. In my view it's the traffic engineers who screwed up that intersection, not the SUV driver.

I agree with the concern about the possibility that the driver isn't being as cautious as he needs to be given the speed and frequency which he appears to perform that manoever, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until I have reason not to, and there's nothing in your video that supports the view that he was being careless.

Then you're making poor assumptions. What I want is for people to obey what lights and signs are already out there and maybe, just maybe, try being a little courteous on the road instead of being tools.

I didn't necessarily say that guy was being careless. I believe that my comment was that he was being an arrogant idiot.
I didn't necessarily say that guy was being careless. I believe that my comment was that he was being an arrogant idiot.

At some point in time, somewhere on the planet, traffic planners will exhibit extreme stupidity/laziness in the way they choose to let traffic flow. Is it arrogant idiocy to behave accordingly?
At some point in time, somewhere on the planet, traffic planners will exhibit extreme stupidity/laziness in the way they choose to let traffic flow. Is it arrogant idiocy to behave accordingly?

I can't answer that question, because I consider it to be a non sequitur. There are various theories of traffic flow, that have been applied around Southern Ontario over the years. Differences in application do not inherently imply laziness. If you are talking about how buggered up traffic flow is right now, implying that it is due to the stupidity or laziness of traffic planners, then I would say that the actions of arrogant and idiotic drivers have a far greater impact on overall traffic flow, in my experience.
I can't answer that question, because I consider it to be a non sequitur. There are various theories of traffic flow, that have been applied around Southern Ontario over the years. Differences in application do not inherently imply laziness. If you are talking about how buggered up traffic flow is right now, implying that it is due to the stupidity or laziness of traffic planners, then I would say that the actions of arrogant and idiotic drivers have a far greater impact on overall traffic flow, in my experience.

I'm talking about that very specific scenario in your video. The lights are red to oncoming traffic when there is no cross traffic (or seemingly any other traffic at all for that matter) in the middle of the night. Not only that, but how quickly do the lights change in the presence of a stopped car?

There's no way I would sit there and wait like brainless lemming because the traffic light is the wrong colour.
I'm talking about that very specific scenario in your video. The lights are red to oncoming traffic when there is no cross traffic (or seemingly any other traffic at all for that matter) in the middle of the night. Not only that, but how quickly do the lights change in the presence of a stopped car?

There's no way I would sit there and wait like brainless lemming because the traffic light is the wrong colour.

To some 1 minute feels like 2 hours. The lights in that part of the city cycle pretty regularly. He saved maybe what? 2-3 mins?
I'm talking about that very specific scenario in your video. The lights are red to oncoming traffic when there is no cross traffic (or seemingly any other traffic at all for that matter) in the middle of the night. Not only that, but how quickly do the lights change in the presence of a stopped car?

There's no way I would sit there and wait like brainless lemming because the traffic light is the wrong colour.

It's at a ramp. The light is short. It was 5:30am, or thereabouts. If you're impatient enough that you can't wait 30 seconds for a light, then you deserve a ticket as much as I think that guy does.
To some 1 minute feels like 2 hours. The lights in that part of the city cycle pretty regularly. He saved maybe what? 2-3 mins?

He may have only saved 30 seconds. But that's not the whole problem, there's also the the wear and tear on cars and roads for having to come to a stop unnecessarily, plus the wasted gas. Then multiply that by thousands of intersections with thousands of cars coming to a stop for no reason across the city every day, and you get a TON of wasted time, wasted money, and unnecessary pollution. Not to mention the issue of cyclists and motorcyclists who aren't detected by the induction loops in the road.

It most frustrating because the solution is so simple; any time of day when the volume of cars is low enough that cars may merge safely from cross streets, let them do so by giving drivers the flashing red so they treat it as a four-way stop. Or if one direction sees more flow than the other, give them the flashing yellow so they don't have to stop at all. They don't even need to put sensors in the ground.
Did everyone catch the cyclist who was hanging onto the back of the truck?

Did you catch that the truck turned L in front of the cyclist, who had priority? And that he merged directly into the R lane (the cyclist's lane) instead of the L lane?

The cyclist didn't endanger anyone buy himself nor did he even break the law AFAIK, while the trucker put the cyclist's safety at risk and committed two traffic violations, yet you criticize the cyclist?
I don't even recognise it.

Then I would suggest that you are ill advised to be making comments about how the lights are set up. I'm usually behind 6 or seven cars there. I just happened to be first in line on those two occasions. Setting up a flashing red would very likely result in more delays, not less.

Did you catch that the truck turned L in front of the cyclist, who had priority? And that he merged directly into the R lane (the cyclist's lane) instead of the L lane?

The cyclist didn't endanger anyone buy himself nor did he even break the law AFAIK, while the trucker put the cyclist's safety at risk and committed two traffic violations, yet you criticize the cyclist?

I don't excuse what the truck did, as he could clearly have made the turn tighter. He did, however, have right of way by the lights. That doesn't excuse that the cyclist breached both section 144 and section 160 of the HTA.
Then I would suggest that you are ill advised to be making comments about how the lights are set up. I'm usually behind 6 or seven cars there. I just happened to be first in line on those two occasions. Setting up a flashing red would very likely result in more delays, not less.
That's even worse! Now you're telling me there are typically a row of cars forced to stop there when there is no cross traffic!

I don't excuse what the truck did, as he could clearly have made the turn tighter. He did, however, have right of way by the lights. That doesn't excuse that the cyclist breached both section 144 and section 160 of the HTA.
From what I can tell, not only was the cyclist engaged in the intersection when the light turned yellow, the truck was already turning L in front of him even while it was still green. The cyclist had the right of way.

You don't excuse what the truck did because you didn't notice what it did, you were sdo upset by the cyclist who went through the red, only breaking the law and never impeding anyone's right of way.

On a scale of 0-10, I rate law breaking a zero, failing to yield the right of way a 5, and forcing people to take evasive manoeuvers (like the guy reversing on the highway, or the guy who got nabbed turning right) a 10 on the jackassery scale. Are they all equal to you?
I've done the impatient thing before... not illegal as far as I know.. but, maybe it is..
To some 1 minute feels like 2 hours. The lights in that part of the city cycle pretty regularly. He saved maybe what? 2-3 mins?

My commute home is an hour - light near work is almost 3 minutes, even with the light "only" being 3 minutes, that is an extra 5% commute time.
That's even worse! Now you're telling me there are typically a row of cars forced to stop there when there is no cross traffic!

From what I can tell, not only was the cyclist engaged in the intersection when the light turned yellow, the truck was already turning L in front of him even while it was still green. The cyclist had the right of way.

You don't excuse what the truck did because you didn't notice what it did, you were sdo upset by the cyclist who went through the red, only breaking the law and never impeding anyone's right of way.

On a scale of 0-10, I rate law breaking a zero, failing to yield the right of way a 5, and forcing people to take evasive manoeuvers (like the guy reversing on the highway, or the guy who got nabbed turning right) a 10 on the jackassery scale. Are they all equal to you?

You seem to not be watching the video I made, are labouring under some misconceptions as to certain parts of the Highway Traffic Act, don't understand the when/where/why of traffic signals over stop signs, and like to make assumptions as to what's going on in my head. I don't know what else I can say on the matter.
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