Great video! you running dual GoPros?
Did you ever thought about sending the videos to the police (not sure if they can use it)? You got the plate numbers on almost all of the bad ones.
I thought about (and did) send a few links to media. Thought it might do a little more good, where public shaming is involved. Nothing.
You'd think with the footage of repeat offenders, they'd at least patrol trouble spots a little more (i.e. the truck that keeps doing the U-Turn so they don't wait for the light)
The truck doing the right turn into a u-turn isn't so bad. He's slowing down and clearly paying attention to the road.
Wasn't there a thread about turning right at a light and doing a U turn? It was found that it is perfectly legal. I understand the proper procedure would be to make a complete stop at the red light, turn right, then when safe to do so make a U turn.
Not across 4 lanes of traffic.
Maybe a SMART? oh wait you said a CARHow then? I don't know a car that could do a U turn from the left lane to the left lane.
How then? I don't know a car that could do a U turn from the left lane to the left lane.
Then he'd have to cross only two lanes, but two times each! So same difference.How about a 3 point turn?
So never do a u-turn?How about NOT DOING IT AT ALL?
...or only do it on a motorcycle if the light doesn't change? Are we more important that everyone else?News flash to idiot in truck: You aren't more important than everyone else.
Then he'd have to cross only two lanes, but two times each! So same difference.
So never do a u-turn?
...or only do it on a motorcycle if the light doesn't change? Are we more important that everyone else?
So you're saying it's safer to do a 3-point turn while traffic is passing you on either side, than to do a u-turn when traffic is clear???Leaving, however, a lane on each side for people to pass by in this case.
Ah I get it now. Didn't see where you were making the distinction before.Never do a u-turn within a short distance from a light. It's bloody dangerous, no matter how you spin it.
People can be clueless even when they're doing a u-turn far from an intersection, where it's easier. So doing it close to an intersection isn't inherently unsafe, it just requires more caution.To clarify my position a friend and neighbour spent 6 months in hospital, 2 years in physical therapy, and has permanent debilitating injury due to someone just like the guy in the video thinking that he was making a safe u-turn, close to an intersection. Apparently his first clue to the contrary was my neighbour's car going through the side of his minivan, at about 60 Kmh.