Well obviously, you could substantiate each of these statements.
...what did I seem to miss in the video?
That the cyclists went through a red light. The light in their direction was never amber, in my video. Perhaps you assumed that they were coming off the side street? They weren't. They swerved out onto that road from the one I was travelling along, then back onto the main road, against the red light.
...what HTA misconceptions do you think I have?
That the u-turns performed by the driver of the truck were legal. They weren't. That the cyclists had the right of way. They didn't, as detailed above.
...what do I not understand about lights vs. signs?
That higher traffic flow areas generally benefit from the use of stop lights, rather than signs, because there's a tipping point at which it takes longer for each individual vehicle to make a proper stop. The planners actually knew what they were doing and don't particularly care that one individual feels slighted, when they're trying to move thousands.
...did you notice the truck's infractions or not?