Theft is what is charged by the triopoly for shoddy content.
Next you're going to tell me that descrambling the American satellite tv signals is theft too. You know, the signals that are broadcast into our homes but are illegal to pay to subscribe to.
Theft would be taking something from someone depriving them of that said good. If I took the hard drive that the original content was on depriving you of selling that content to someone else then that is theft, if I copy the content to watch on my own you've hardly been deprived of anything.
It always cracks me up when people keep paying for something that they consider "shoddy". The answer is simple. Call Rogers or Bell and cancel. Rogers are not holding a gun to your head.
People always assume that content costs nothing. Let me give you an example. We produce a lot of action sports, X-Games, etc.
It costs a lot of money and is a complex process. The X-Games Organisers are paid for the rights, athletes are paid for their time, cameras and crews are hired, product equipment and trucks are required, post production houses need to be engaged, it has to be marketed, distribution rights need to be secured with people like CBS sports. Google what a producer actually does and it will suprize you, people tend to see just a bunch of names floating by in the credits
All this costs a lot of money. Where does it come from?
2 Sources, private individual capital (e.g. Tony Hawk, Ranjit Siva) and investment funds. Banks also fund production but for Hollywood/Bollywood Blockbusters but not for what we do.
The largest investors in content are organisations like CalSTRS (Teachers Pension Plan). Its reasonable to assume they get a return on their investment If these people don't see any return, guess what, they stop lending money and no more content.
We take an upfront fee to cover production costs (Crews, Production Equipment, Post Production) but all our profit is made on residuals (money that comes from distribution), so if you are stealing content by copying it for your own use then yes, we do not get paid and you are depriving my employees and other hard working people who are investing their savings and pensions.
So assume we can't make money, guess what. That's 87 people out of work, 22 of them are in Toronto.