Android Boxs - whose got 1?

But IT WAS THE CASE and for how long?
Is that because the copyright expiration kicked in?
Kinda the same way patents do on brand name drugs allowing generics to be made.

One could make the argument that back in the day, if your satellite signals crossed into my property then you need to pay me for it or I do what I want with it since it's on my property illegally therefore erecting a dish in my yard and collecting signals on my property (and not reselling it) seems to be a legit argument to use the signal for free.

If someone is streaming movies (paid for created media)...(not free use media) then that can/should be considered stealing.
One is actively going out to a site and pulling in the content and using a device to decode and display it...see how my satellite dish argument makes sense (to me at least) compared to this scenario which is theft because one has to actively go get the product and bring it into/onto your property.

We have a legal system that recognizes and protects intellectual property therefore copying someone's photo/art without written consent is illegal.

I think the law allows a grey area for people to snap a photo and display it in their home for personal avoid a bunch of court cases over "trivial" item...not trivial when you crossing into big $$$ art.

If you take a photo of art/picture then you go to a color printer and printout a nice large replica and hang it on your wall...I think that is a form of theft also from the artist because you did not buy a reproduction from the artist, you went and made your own based on their creation.
Happy birthday hasn't been covered by copy right in a long time, it was erroneously enforced for years, I believe money had to be paid back.

If I happen to live in a building that lets me watch sports ball games with out paying admission would watching them be theft? Some stadiums have tried to elicit money from bars that had rooftop patios that could see their fields.
Spent the afternoon disabling crappy add ons in Kodi and deleting a few, I now have a snappy system that seems to be working pretty well. Just got to sort out some juddery play back issues that pop up from time to time now.
Happy birthday hasn't been covered by copy right in a long time, it was erroneously enforced for years, I believe money had to be paid back.

If I happen to live in a building that lets me watch sports ball games with out paying admission would watching them be theft? Some stadiums have tried to elicit money from bars that had rooftop patios that could see their fields.

and once again you introduce an unrelated scenario from where we started
If the ppl are charging ppl to sit on their roof tops and watch the bar's tv (who paid for that stream) then yes, it's theft...they are profiting from someone else.
If you have your friends over and you are watching then not theft, no profit being made from another's person goods/service.

You walking by and standing there watching is not theft...public consumption.
If the bar did not want you to see it then they can block it but then again they are servicing their paying customer and you are getting an incidental benefit.

Are you saying you are not capable of knowing if someone if stealing something or not.
It's a simple formula...not that hard.
Download Raw maintenance (youtube) and run delete cache, delete thumbnails and packages. People don't realize that the every single one of those thumbnails are saved in memory, after a while your system starts to crash and slow down, you can clear cache all you want but the thumbnails don't get deleted.

Also download addon maintenance and go to system tweaks, enable advanced _____ (can't remember the name) only one with the word advanced on it, doing this will stop saving cache on kodi and will start saving cache on the actual android box which has a lot more memory, after this no more buffering issues.

Spent the afternoon disabling crappy add ons in Kodi and deleting a few, I now have a snappy system that seems to be working pretty well. Just got to sort out some juddery play back issues that pop up from time to time now.
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D and Lisa arguing, it's like back in the clubhouse days
logic is wasted on d...

uhm...certainly seems to be lacking on your part
you introduce points that are obvious to a 10 year old that it's wrong but escapes you for some reason

not sure why anyone would want to spend a lot of time and effort to do what a $50 box already does but hey to each their own...going to stand by the Rogers Center and use binoculars to peer in for free.
Download Raw maintenance (youtube) and run delete cache, delete thumbnails and packages. People don't realize that the every single one of those thumbnails are saved in memory, after a while your system starts to crash and slow down, you can clear cache all you want but the thumbnails don't get deleted.

Also download addon maintenance and go to system tweaks, enable advanced _____ (can't remember the name) only one with the word advanced on it, doing this will stop saving cache on kodi and will start saving cache on the actual android box which has a lot more memory, after this no more buffering issues.

I do the delete cache/thumbnails/packages thing at least once a day as a habit but I'm not sure how to swap the cache location around. I'm also not sure which video playback settings are best to use in terms of software and hardware acceleration and codecs in the playback menu item in settings. It's reasonably stable so far but occasionally stutters but only on certain tv shows.
I do the delete cache/thumbnails/packages thing at least once a day as a habit but I'm not sure how to swap the cache location around. I'm also not sure which video playback settings are best to use in terms of software and hardware acceleration and codecs in the playback menu item in settings. It's reasonably stable so far but occasionally stutters but only on certain tv shows.
If you have the addon maintenance addon on programs Text me at 4167161034 and I'll tell you how. If not then youtube how to install the addon and then text me
I do the delete cache/thumbnails/packages thing at least once a day as a habit but I'm not sure how to swap the cache location around. I'm also not sure which video playback settings are best to use in terms of software and hardware acceleration and codecs in the playback menu item in settings. It's reasonably stable so far but occasionally stutters but only on certain tv shows.

I am using Jarvis 16 with the Pulse CCM build.
The Pulse build already has to cleaners built in.
Pulse cleaners and Indigo that autocleans those items mentioned by ZX600.

@Zx600 I have an option to clean databases...and also add ons... I think add ons will all be removed if I clean that.
What are the data bases it's cleaning?

Also for those that speak about ZERO Cache...I came across this info that is interesting:

1.1 "Zero" cache

A lot of people see references to a "zero cache". This is a specific setting for the video cache to use local storage (such as a hard drive) instead of RAM. This setting is not needed for most users, even if you only have 1GB of RAM total.

Note: The zero cache mode/settings does not improve video buffering or performance.

Stop hand.png Users should not use the zero cache mode/settings on a device that does not have a lot of free internal space, such as an Amazon Fire TV, OUYA, or other devices with only about 8GB of local space total. Such devices will only have about 4GB of available space when you deduct the OS and other files that are used, and this is rarely enough space for a full length movie. If Kodi attempts to use the local drive without having enough space then video will either suddenly stop, or Kodi could even crash.
I am using Jarvis 16 with the Pulse CCM build.
The Pulse build already has to cleaners built in.
Pulse cleaners and Indigo that autocleans those items mentioned by ZX600.

@Zx600 I have an option to clean databases...and also add ons... I think add ons will all be removed if I clean that.
What are the data bases it's cleaning?

Also for those that speak about ZERO Cache...I came across this info that is interesting:

1.1 "Zero" cache

A lot of people see references to a "zero cache". This is a specific setting for the video cache to use local storage (such as a hard drive) instead of RAM. This setting is not needed for most users, even if you only have 1GB of RAM total.

Note: The zero cache mode/settings does not improve video buffering or performance.

Stop hand.png Users should not use the zero cache mode/settings on a device that does not have a lot of free internal space, such as an Amazon Fire TV, OUYA, or other devices with only about 8GB of local space total. Such devices will only have about 4GB of available space when you deduct the OS and other files that are used, and this is rarely enough space for a full length movie. If Kodi attempts to use the local drive without having enough space then video will either suddenly stop, or Kodi could even crash.
I can show you 20 articles that say zero cache fixes buffering and it did with mine .
I can also show articles that say Trump is a good president, it doesn't make it so
I can show you 20 articles that say zero cache fixes buffering and it did with mine .

Is zero cache when you set it to NOT save anything, it just starts to play the movie?
Don't you want to hit pause first for a minute or so to have it save some of the movie before you hit play?

I think in the Maint Tools there is a zero cache setting to just click on.
Is zero cache when you set it to NOT save anything, it just starts to play the movie?
Don't you want to hit pause first for a minute or so to have it save some of the movie before you hit play?

I think in the Maint Tools there is a zero cache setting to just click on.
No, zero cache starts saving the cache on the android box instead of saving it on the kodi software, basically any addon will start loading a portion of the file on kodi so that Its always ahead and it doesn't buffer, if your kodi memory is occupied by cache, it doesn't allow the movie or show to save in there and it starts buffering since it couldn't save enough of the file to always be ahead.

Zero cache effectively will keep your kodi memory empty and allow any movie or show to run smooth.

What is true is that if you do not clean that cache out of the box memory, eventually it will be too full and nothing will work since the memory was occupied by cache and JPEGs etc, so enabling zero cache should only be done if you have the habit of using the Raw maintenance addon which cleans the box memory .
No, zero cache starts saving the cache on the android box instead of saving it on the kodi software, basically any addon will start loading a portion of the file on kodi so that Its always ahead and it doesn't buffer, if your kodi memory is occupied by cache, it doesn't allow the movie or show to save in there and it starts buffering since it couldn't save enough of the file to always be ahead.

Zero cache effectively will keep your kodi memory empty and allow any movie or show to run smooth.

What is true is that if you do not clean that cache out of the box memory, eventually it will be too full and nothing will work since the memory was occupied by cache and JPEGs etc, so enabling zero cache should only be done if you have the habit of using the Raw maintenance addon which cleans the box memory .

stop mansplaining to people:lmao:

Ok, good explanation.
I don't have any buffering issues but this seems to make sense to set it as zero cache if your device has 16gb of ram or you set the location of the extra ram (if you can)....use a memory card.
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Use the previous version of that keyboard for my box. The touchpad is a bit too sensitive, but it does the job
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