Happy birthday hasn't been covered by copy right in a long time, it was erroneously enforced for years, I believe money had to be paid back.But IT WAS THE CASE and for how long?
Is that because the copyright expiration kicked in?
Kinda the same way patents do on brand name drugs allowing generics to be made.
One could make the argument that back in the day, if your satellite signals crossed into my property then you need to pay me for it or I do what I want with it since it's on my property illegally therefore erecting a dish in my yard and collecting signals on my property (and not reselling it) seems to be a legit argument to use the signal for free.
If someone is streaming movies (paid for created media)...(not free use media) then that can/should be considered stealing.
One is actively going out to a site and pulling in the content and using a device to decode and display it...see how my satellite dish argument makes sense (to me at least) compared to this scenario which is theft because one has to actively go get the product and bring it into/onto your property.
We have a legal system that recognizes and protects intellectual property therefore copying someone's photo/art without written consent is illegal.
I think the law allows a grey area for people to snap a photo and display it in their home for personal use...to avoid a bunch of court cases over "trivial" item...not trivial when you crossing into big $$$ art.
If you take a photo of art/picture then you go to a color printer and printout a nice large replica and hang it on your wall...I think that is a form of theft also from the artist because you did not buy a reproduction from the artist, you went and made your own based on their creation.
If I happen to live in a building that lets me watch sports ball games with out paying admission would watching them be theft? Some stadiums have tried to elicit money from bars that had rooftop patios that could see their fields.