American Taliban

When your representatives make moves you don't agree with, you either vote them out or move somewhere that aligns with what's important to you.

This argument seems very similar to the 'choice' many people whose jobs mandated they be vaccinated had to make.

What do you do when your own representatives do not reflect the opinions of the people they represent? That’s the issue here. It’s the same with gun control in the US. A majority of people are in favour of low level common sense laws for gun ownership yet there are representatives that tow the NRA line. We know that all politicians are sleazy but some in the US are at boss level for the amount of fucks they give for their constituents. What counts are the opinions of the biggest donors.
When your representatives make moves you don't agree with, you either vote them out or move somewhere that aligns with what's important to you.

This argument seems very similar to the 'choice' many people whose jobs mandated they be vaccinated had to make.

Just remember though there’s one key thing here…those people under those mandates did still have a choice. IS managed by the province. So if something that you relied on changed then yes...that is your option.
I am saying that the solution of moving is not simple....not a "reasonable" option. We are talking about a MEDICAL decision made by religious zealots. If the taliban got elected in Ontario and required hymen checks on your daughter i am sure your response would be "you can move". SMH
When your representatives make moves you don't agree with, you either vote them out or move somewhere that aligns with what's important to you.

This argument seems very similar to the 'choice' many people whose jobs mandated they be vaccinated had to make.
SCOTUS is not elected and serves for life.
Most people here were all for mandating compulsory vaccines last year not respecting people's right to choose what happens to their bodies

Revisionist much? No one here was for compulsory vaccines. Most were for rules against those that weren't vaccinated playing with those that were.
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ehhhh. each state can make it's own decision. the religious get a say too, even if you don't agree with it.
All of those situations can be handled with plan b the next day... no abortion needed.

The Supreme Court rules on constitutional matters, which abortion is not, so they palmed the decision off to the states. The reason the roe vs wade split decision was overturned now, is that there are enough judges following the letter of the law instead of political whims.

I really don't see the issue though, as I said, don't like what your state is doing... move.

Most people here were all for mandating compulsory vaccines last year not respecting people's right to choose what happens to their bodies but are outraged when the Supreme Court in the USA defers a decision to individual states?
You are out of touch with reality. I met a few different women in Mississippi that had broken bones one also had a sliced throat. From there spouse. The offender pays the judge and walks. That is the reality. One was married at 15 prearranged, she was finally freed at 27. But sure just move to a different state. Its that easy.
Just remember though there’s one key thing here…those people under those mandates did still have a choice.
Lmao yeah, choose- lose your job and livelihood, lose your house, family starves to death or take a vaccine... oh your also not allowed to leave the country...


Choose to use contraceptives or move across an internal border to a state that aligns more with your views/life choices.

I am saying that the solution of moving is not simple....not a "reasonable" option. We are talking about a MEDICAL decision made by religious zealots. If the taliban got elected in Ontario and required hymen checks on your daughter i am sure your response would be "you can move". SMH

100% I'd move my family. How is that a hard concept. Why do you think so many refugees enter Europe from the middle east when dictators or governments go nuts. They are smart enough to know when to gtfo.
Lmao yeah, choose- lose your job and livelihood, lose your house, family starves to death or take a vaccine... oh your also not allowed to leave the country...


Choose to use contraceptives or move across an internal border to a state that aligns more with your views/life choices.

100% I'd move my family. How is that a hard concept. Why do you think so many refugees enter Europe from the middle east when dictators or governments go nuts. They are smart enough to know when to gtfo.
So if you dont get a vaccine you starve to death. But you dont like policy you move?
sounds backwards.
Nope.....the SCOTUS is an unelected body that has struck down previous rulings. 35% of americans have taken away the rights of 100% of Americans.
Do you understand SCOTUS? They dont make laws or give rights, SCOTUS decides whether elected lawmakers (elected politicians) stayed inside the boundaries of the constitution.

A couple of questions before I dive deeper into an exchange here. How did you get those 35% and 100% numbers?
Tell me how rights are granted and protected in the USA?
But you do have the choice to vaccinate or not. Choice has just been removed from 39 million women for this issue!
I separate the decision from the outcome, if you let SCOTUS enter the circle if law making as they in the original R v Wade decision, there are other consequences for a democracy. RGB worried that R v Wade stood on shaky constitutional ground, she spoke and wrote often suggesting the SCOTUS of the day crossed the line and should not have relied on right to privacy as the key support.

The simple and proper fix for this is for lawmakers to enshrine or remove rights thru a constitutional amendment. Heavy lifting indeed, elected proponents of gun control and right to choose play dead whenever this option is presented.
No one is killing off future generations. Despite what the anti-abortion side might portray no woman thinks to herself “oh, it’s just a bit of surgery no biggie”. The choice is what’s important here. Take the emotion out of things and that clump of cells inside a woman is the difference between life and death or a decent living vs a life of poverty in some cases. In other cases of rape or incest do you still think the baby should be carried to term if the mother doesn’t want that? Are women just incubators?

Well said.
A minority is making this rule. US opinion is 60%+ in favour of what was the status quo yesterday. A religious minority is forcing this issue through. For half a century all has been reasonably well except with the ultra religious. For half a century a Supreme Court ruling has been accepted as the rule of the land. What changed?
First off, nobody made a rule, the decision states the 14th ammendment to the constitution, right to privacy, does not automatically grant a right to abortion. That means the issue returns to each state and their electorate to decide.

If you live in a state that values one position or the other, your elected officials get the job of setting laws.
I separate the decision from the outcome, if you let SCOTUS enter the circle if law making as they in the original R v Wade decision, there are other consequences for a democracy. RGB worried that R v Wade stood on shaky constitutional ground, she spoke and wrote often suggesting the SCOTUS of the day crossed the line and should not have relied on right to privacy as the key support.

The simple and proper fix for this is for lawmakers to enshrine or remove rights thru a constitutional amendment. Heavy lifting indeed, elected proponents of gun control and right to choose play dead whenever this option is presented.

I am not going to pretend to know the American law and/or judicial system.

Assuming what you're saying is true, the decision may be legally/technically the right one, but the consequent outcome is going to have negative societal ramifications. This is the source of the discomfort, and the end result is the same.
First off, nobody made a rule, the decision states the 14th ammendment to the constitution, right to privacy, does not automatically grant a right to abortion. That means the issue returns to each state and their electorate to decide.

If you live in a state that values one position or the other, your elected officials get the job of setting laws.

What’s the point of the Supreme Court if one version of that court overrules a prior one? I get that nothing is enshrined in stone and that revision is always possible but look at the context here and what’s been building up to this decision. This isn’t a purely legal argument made in the cold hard light of day, the vote on the court was split down party lines, where we have had one party jammed into seats and one party excluded (Garland) that’s a bit of a coincidence isn’t it?
Just had a look outside... sky's not falling, were all going to be ok. Seriously though, if your in a state that bans something that you want/need... move to a state that allows it.
Lots of people benefiting from access to abortion are on the lower end of the income spectrum. Hard to move if you're running on fumes.

"Oh you're having an issue with X, just do Y" is I statement I throw around very carefully. Unless you own an orchard, money doesn't grow on trees.
All of those situations can be handled with plan b the next day... no abortion needed.

The Supreme Court rules on constitutional matters, which abortion is not, so they palmed the decision off to the states. The reason the roe vs wade split decision was overturned now, is that there are enough judges following the letter of the law instead of political whims.

I really don't see the issue though, as I said, don't like what your state is doing... move.

Most people here were all for mandating compulsory vaccines last year not respecting people's right to choose what happens to their bodies but are outraged when the Supreme Court in the USA defers a decision to individual states?

There’s other complications here that weren’t brought up before. This isn’t canada and there’s big differences in terms of access to contraception too. Add in that PlanB has a narrow “window of opportunity” for use. I just looked at the stats for abortions in the US and it makes interesting, if not unsurprising reading. Most in their 20s, 50% below the poverty line, mostly over represented by coloured women, most abortions are first trimester, 60% already have one child, many teens too. PlanB will have a huge part to play here. I anticipate that it’s going to be more widely available as the nutbars try to crack down on it but that‘s only going to help some.

After 1 month of pregnancy the fetus is the size of a grain of rice, after 2 it’s 1” long. These religious nutbars are totally out of touch with reality. 93% of abortions are in the first trimester of pregnancy.

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