Always tons of views, but very few comments.


Well-known member

I'm pretty new to this site, but I've noticed one thing in particular that really gets my water hot. I've realized pretty quickly that it's very common among most threads.

Someone will post a thread about something, and it get some great comments. But you'll have a thread with 10 comments, and 150 views. Are you kidding me? One hundred and fifty people read through this entire thread and only ten of them took the time to actually leave a comment. Why would 140 people even read a thread if they don't have anything to say about it? That just seems like a huge waste.

I post about interesting topics for my own enjoyment, just as much as everyone else's. But I'm starting to get pretty offended that so many people aren't brave enough to say something, even if it's "Wow that's cool!" or "You should have done it this way". I don't care, just say whatever is on your mind, instead of leering over a thread without contributing at all.

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It's a public forum, people are not obligated to reply to every thread they read. Some people find enjoyment in just reading threads with useful and entertaining information. Or maybe some people have nothing nice to say or constructive to contribute to the thread, so they choose not to post at all. Or maybe it is all those dump OP who start threads with topic that have nothing to do with the post.

I could go on and on but I will just leave it with etc etc...
Did your parents not give you enough attention when you were little?
Did your parents not give you enough attention when you were little?

Nope. I just jerk off too much.

Stupid comments deserve stupid replies. When I said I was fed up with people who don't have enough to say, you weren't included in that.

Yeah, I somewhat I agree with you. I could also easily try and legitimize why people would aimlessly read through something without giving their opinion (good or bad), but I'd rather not.

I'm assuming some people simply don't realize how valuable their right to an opinion is, and they show this lack of value with silence. Some people might think their opinion is unwanted, but I'm here to correct that misinterpretation.

Shhh. I thought no one would notice.

My intention wasn't to post an unrelated post in this section. Instead, it was to post in a section with the greatest audience that I thought would receive the most views, because I've made it quite clear that comments seem to be pretty hard to get around here.
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Wow this thread is reading like attention whores r us. Just because people can say something it doesn't mean they should. I can reply to every post i read but if i'ma reply "suck an egg" i rather not post. Suck an egg.

Yeah, that seems to be the overall interpretation. I'm trying to say that if I defend people's right to an opinion, hopefully it will inspire them to actually share it.

I mean, sure, sometimes people just don't have anything worth saying. I get that. But the ratio of views to comments is actually ridiculous.
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
~ Voltaire

Yeah, that seems to be the overall interpretation. I'm trying to say that if I defend people's right to an opinion, hopefully it will inspire them to actually share it.

I mean, sure, sometimes people just don't have anything worth saying. I get that. But the ratio of views to comments is actually ridiculous.

I click on my own thread 100 times a day just to bring up the view counts. :agave:
14 views and 12 comments!!!

This is excellent.
Wait. No.

8/15 of the comments are mine.
Damn it.
First world problem.
I take it that you did not read the forum rules as you would know why........
or introduce a relevant idea. If you've read enough threads, you've already learned how annoying it is to go through "Me Too" posts. A "Me Too" is a post that says "I agree with what the other guy said" and otherwise does not add to the content. If you have a comment about someone else's post, tell them via PM or email. Generally speaking, unless it concerns the entire group and is within the group's stated purpose, you should reply only to the author. Avoid replies or responses to the whole list of yes, no, or "I agree!". This is meaningless and you too would be annoyed to open such a message.

Now that I know you need to be acknowledged....I have read your post:blob7:
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