Always tons of views, but very few comments.

Off to Romper Room where it belongs
Romper room? We don't want this crap here. Send it to trash talk. Let's have some fun with this!
Wow, that's cool. You should have said it in a nicer way. :kermit:
you've been here since april 2012 and only 43 posts...meh...pathetic...probably just a troll lurker...sorry, wrong site for karma...move along, move along, nothing to see here...

I'm pretty new to this site, but I've noticed one thing in particular that really gets my water hot. I've realized pretty quickly that it's very common among most threads.

Someone will post a thread about something, and it get some great comments. But you'll have a thread with 10 comments, and 150 views. Are you kidding me? One hundred and fifty people read through this entire thread and only ten of them took the time to actually leave a comment. Why would 140 people even read a thread if they don't have anything to say about it? That just seems like a huge waste.

I post about interesting topics for my own enjoyment, just as much as everyone else's. But I'm starting to get pretty offended that so many people aren't brave enough to say something, even if it's "Wow that's cool!" or "You should have done it this way". I don't care, just say whatever is on your mind, instead of leering over a thread without contributing at all.


you need to understand gtam math, where 150 views does NOT equal 150 'reads' of a thread.

typical gtam scenario:

1. forum member sees thread title (usually misleading, poorly written, or purposely vague) that might be of interest
2. forum member clicks on thread, generates a 'view'
3. member reads about one sentence (which may or may not be an actual functional sentence) or less, and quickly realizes it's the typical gtam crap, stops reading, and leaves thread.
4. surprise surprise, no post is left.

3. member reads about one sentence (which may or may not be an actual functional sentence) or less, and quickly realizes it's the typical gtam crap, stops reading, and leaves thread.

and you have been here for 5 years and have over 800 posts, and have never once started a thread.
and you have been here for 5 years and have over 800 posts, and have never once started a thread.

lol, so what's your point?

a. you're wrong
b. maybe unlike some others, i have a filter, i don't need to turn this forum into my blog, and i'm not an attention/post whore.

you're like my little forum stalker. lol, nice.
Wow that's cool!
lol, so what's your point?

a. you're wrong
b. maybe unlike some others, i have a filter, i don't need to turn this forum into my blog, and i'm not an attention/post whore.

you're like my little forum stalker. lol, nice.

the point was, you have nothing to offer.

you cant start up your own thread and have a discussion about it. You need to rely on someone else to have their own idea

as for starting threads, you have 2. both in classifieds. so that isnt a thread, is it ?

you ARE an attention whore, in an argumentative way.. you say it like its a bad thing.
If something simple like THAT offends you, you ain't been around GTAM very long.

Thank you for actually replying to the original topic of the thread. The intention of this was to offer constructive criticism towards the viewing/commenting of threads, not to incite useless chaos. I think you (and a few others) got what I was originally trying to say.

According to my argument, if someone posts a useless thread, then by all means comment whatever you feel like saying. If you thought reading a thread was a waste of time, then say so. If it simply doesn't apply to you for whatever reason, then that's fine too. I'm not trying to say people should avoid reading threads, because I say so... I'm just trying to get people to give more positive/constructive feedback.

I just think some people put a lot of effort into writing useful and informative threads. I think they deserve a little "Thank you. This was helpful" once in a while

I'd say there's a pretty big difference between a "troll" and a "lurker".

I hope never to have to deal with trolls, because they're usually bad news. But I guess this thread seems to be a bit of a troll magnet as it is.

Lurkers are exactly the type of people this thread is targeted towards. I think some people who read over threads could definitely provide some positive comments leading to good discussions, but only if they believe their comments are wanted. But I still think people can give negative constructive criticism too, but that would assume the person receiving it is allowing them self to be examined, which some people don't seem to enjoy.

Thank you for actually replying to the original topic of the thread. The intention of this was to offer constructive criticism towards the viewing/commenting of threads, not to incite useless chaos. I think you (and a few others) got what I was originally trying to say.

According to my argument, if someone posts a useless thread, then by all means comment whatever you feel like saying. If you thought reading a thread was a waste of time, then say so. If it simply doesn't apply to you for whatever reason, then that's fine too. I'm not trying to say people should avoid reading threads, because I say so... I'm just trying to get people to give more positive/constructive feedback.

I just think some people put a lot of effort into writing useful and informative threads. I think they deserve a little "Thank you. This was helpful" once in a while

you're welcome.

however, you only have to look at the majority of posts in your own thread here to understand why people often don't bother to post. there are some good posts, but there's an awful lot of drivel that people have to wade through.

it generally is a strong disincentive to those who want to do something other than post empty knee-jerk responses to pump up their post counts. . .

you are swimming upstream in a river of 'waste'. . .
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