900,000 students coming in… | Page 44 | GTAMotorcycle.com

900,000 students coming in…

I say we all go to Ottawa and poop on Trudeau's front lawn.
How much do you think that cleanup contract would cost us? As it is hazardous waste, security clearance required and a rush, I am guessing well over $1M. Meanwhile, the company that wins the contract is a one person company with a grocery bag over his hand and he's done in an hour. JT has a press conference about the 150K in HST the project generated and how that is so good for Canada.
Lol, good point.
I went through an LMIA process at my work a few years ago for a non-union plumber and it was a royal PITA .. in the end we never went through with it as the plumber couldn't financially make the move but based on what I went through for a skilled worker, I can't see how a low-paying position like a Tim Hortons server couldn't be filled by a Canadian (that's a key criteria, "is there not a Canadian that can fill that role?").
"is there not a Canadian that can fill that role?").
While that is the question, I expect the corporations expand it to "is there not a Canadian that can fill that role at a price I am willing to pay" (ie the lowest legal rate of pay). Farm workers have been substantially foreign workers for decades. Ontarians could do the job but it would cost the farm far more as they would have to pay more to attract people willing to bake in the sun and they couldn't deduct the exhorbitant room and board which also reduces costs substantially (and if structured properly can be used to move money around and make the farm appear less profitable to try to extract more government money to help the "struggling" farm).
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I went through an LMIA process at my work a few years ago for a non-union plumber and it was a royal PITA .. in the end we never went through with it as the plumber couldn't financially make the move but based on what I went through for a skilled worker, I can't see how a low-paying position like a Tim Hortons server couldn't be filled by a Canadian (that's a key criteria, "is there not a Canadian that can fill that role?").
Canadians can def do the job...but as @GreyGhost states...not at the price that Tim's (or anyone else) is willing to pay to cut into profits.

Get Tim's to pay $20-25/hr for that job, and you'll have Canadians lining out the door.

EDIT: Ontario minimum wage is going up to $17.20/hr as of Oct 1.

While that is the question, I expect the corporations expand it to "is there not a Canadian that can fill that role at a price I am willing to pay" (ie the lowest legal rate of pay).

More like the canadians won't work for the net pay I give foreign workers after the wage subsidy for them I get from the government.
I went through the LMIA process a few times for construction labourer positions, and it was a royal pain. Had to show months of ads posted with rates at or above market, show ongoing attempts to hire, and then spend thousands on immigration lawyers to do up the application and paperwork. And then after a year, the employee had to do an interview to make sure they were actually working for us, etc.

My understanding is they've dropped a lot of those requirements in the past couple of years, though I don't have anything beyond anecdotal evidence to back that up. As is typical in Canada, there may be different rules for the bigger corporations, allowing companies like Timmy's to fast track applications with little oversight. I have heard tales of shell companies manipulating applications with multiple fake employees filling the same role, but it's hard to separate rumors from fact. Similarly, I have read that LMIA visa approval rates are now well past 95%, but again, not verified by anything reliable...
Immigration minister Marc Millers dept “lost track “ of 500,000 people and JT says , no biggie , we just give them citizenship, it’s an open door in Canada .

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I wonder how many more of them are ISIS members featured in gore videos somewhere on the internet...
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Revoking? How about finding a new 'scheme' to add more...

The majority of French-speaking international students are coming from Africa, the Middle East and the Americas - places historically have staggering low approval rates for study permit applications to Canada.
This means they were not good enough to gain admittance.

The new program, to be launched officially on Aug. 26, aims to make access to Canada’s international student program “fairer” to this pool of students by offering unique exceptions to certain criteria stipulated for other applicants.
This means they are going to ignore qualifications so they can get what they want.

Officials say applicants to the pilot program will be exempted from having to demonstrate that they will leave Canada at the end of their temporary stay.
This means none of them will ever leave regardless.

The pilot participants will have access to government-funded settlement services while in school - something not eligible for other international students - and become permanent residents after obtaining their diplomas or degrees. Their spouses can also accompany them to Canada.
This means that we get to pay for it. FFS

Stop racist policies, it helps no one. This government is ridiculous.
This means they were not good enough to gain admittance.

This means they are going to ignore qualifications so they can get what they want.

This means none of them will ever leave regardless.

This means that we get to pay for it. FFS

Stop racist policies, it helps no one. This government is ridiculous.
It's like they're actively trying to screw us for future generations just to see if they can get away with it. They are straight up criminals. Jagmeet belongs in jail beside them for condoning this behaviour. We need government to fall asap. Every day costs us billions.
It's like they're actively trying to screw us for future generations just to see if they can get away with it. They are straight up criminals. Jagmeet belongs in jail beside them for condoning this behaviour. We need government to fall asap. Every day costs us billions.
Jagmeet isn't going to do poo because he benefits for it later on. Both politically and financially.

I'm sure all of these criminals have cushy jobs, and pensions, waiting for them the minute they leave office.

It is THEIR prerogative to make as much money for themselves as they can, and then to hell with Canadians and Canada. Not their problem.

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