900,000 students coming in… | Page 45 | GTAMotorcycle.com

900,000 students coming in…

Revoking? How about finding a new 'scheme' to add more...

Just another ultra-left spendy program that has zero chance of achieving it's goals.

French speakers who move Canada aren't assimilating into the small French-Canadian Francophone communities outside QC.

They use their language skills for employment - nothing to enrich or rebuild the decline of Canadian Francophone culture.
Canadian citizens and the Titanic have a lot in common...
Our government and the iceberg have a lot in common...
It's like they're actively trying to screw us for future generations just to see if they can get away with it. They are straight up criminals. Jagmeet belongs in jail beside them for condoning this behaviour. We need government to fall asap. Every day costs us billions.
Jagmeet's financial model is buying new Mercedes just to get the tires. A few million in dental care in exchange for billions in dumpster fires.
Jagmeet isn't going to do poo because he benefits for it later on. Both politically and financially.

I'm sure all of these criminals have cushy jobs, and pensions, waiting for them the minute they leave office.

It is THEIR prerogative to make as much money for themselves as they can, and then to hell with Canadians and Canada. Not their problem.
Political bronco ride. The buzzer goes off at eight and it's cash for life.
Political bronco ride. The buzzer goes off at eight and it's cash for life.
Speaking of that, what happened with the election date/money for life? JT was going to move it back to accommodate Diwali (and coincidentally secure cash for life for a bunch of useless liberal wankers with zero chance of re-election). JS said that was dumb and lets pull it forward to avoid Diwali. Since then, crickets.
Not students, but come on.....

Not students, but come on.....

I didn't see where Debbie Douglas mentioned how many of the attendees she was taking home to her place.
I knew that the hiring of TFW was an issue and it was abused by many companies to not pay for local labour...BUT...I didn't know what jobs they opened up to TFWs as of January 2024...

If you're looking for a job in any of the 'Phase 2' categories...good luck.

This international student received a $75K scholarship to study in Canada. She was denied a permit​

This article is in the Star, so a clickbate headline, OP-ed disguised as reporting. You get the writer bias and one side of a story.

As presented, she would be a slam-dunk approval and I'm truly saddened if there isn't a solid reason why she didn't make the cut - but I suspect there is more to this.
Toronto Star = paper + ink version of the CBC on steroids.
They do it because it works.
Algoma caved and just changed the grades.
Can't risk those juicy foreign student dollars on something as trivial as standards.

Following much-publicized Algoma sit-in, that school eventually permitted some failed students to re-attempt their tests and simply offered others passing grades — something some feel would be yielding to an unfair sense of entitlement in this case.

So, going forward, that roof they designed and failed, killing a bunch of people, gets a free re-design.

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