900,000 students coming in… | Page 46 | GTAMotorcycle.com

900,000 students coming in…

Safety in numbers... There should be enough of them now that they can go back home and form a club.
Why go home when we pay so much to keep them here? Applications from those inside the country should be processed after all those trying to do it properly from outside the country. You said you wanted to come for school, you can't bring up persecution later. Go home and apply from there.
Why go home when we pay so much to keep them here? Applications from those inside the country should be processed after all those trying to do it properly from outside the country. You said you wanted to come for school, you can't bring up persecution later. Go home and apply from there.
Adder: Fight your appeals from home as well. Skype works. Sorry if the time zone doesn't work for you.
I’m fine with letting them in , I’m find with them studying and working . But for the love of God , BOOT them when found to be scammers . Not years of appeal , gone .

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Yup gone in 30 days.

Like the USA, there should be return restrictions of 10 years if you are ordered out of the country.
That type of reasonable plan may actually happen with the next con government. There is no upside to any canadian to add resident wankers as fast as possible.
I suspect cons might relocate Immigration Canada to Regina and Edmonton.

To speed up processing, Western folks work faster, and they’re better with their boots.
Alberta has their own level of crazy going on , anyone would be hard pressed to relocate federal anything to a province that keeps threatening to divorce canada

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Alberta has their own level of crazy going on , anyone would be hard pressed to relocate federal anything to a province that keeps threatening to divorce canada

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If that was the bar, qc should have nothing. BQ's reason for existing is splitting off quebec yet they have 30k federal govt employees outside NCR (and many many more inside ncr). Alberta has 13k federal employees.
If that was the bar, qc should have nothing. BQ's reason for existing is splitting off quebec yet they have 30k federal govt employees outside NCR (and many many more inside ncr). Alberta has 13k federal employees.
It adds new dimension to the term "Puppet government" when each string is pulled by a different entity with a different agenda. Strings pulled by the Bloc, NDP, USA, Immigrant group A, Immigrant group B (Who hate immigrant group A), Energy, Eco warriors etc. I'm surprised Justin can walk straight.


"In an interview with BetaKit, Basiri noted that ApplyBoard caters to international students who can already afford to attend post-secondary school in a new country. “On ApplyBoard, you must have money. At Passage, we say, ‘Hey, if you don’t have money, it’s okay, go apply"

"ApplyBoard most recently raised $375 million CAD in Series D financing led by the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board in 2021 at a $4 billion valuation."
"In an interview with BetaKit, Basiri noted that ApplyBoard caters to international students who can already afford to attend post-secondary school in a new country. “On ApplyBoard, you must have money. At Passage, we say, ‘Hey, if you don’t have money, it’s okay, go apply"

"ApplyBoard most recently raised $375 million CAD in Series D financing led by the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board in 2021 at a $4 billion valuation."
I'm on the fence with these kind of companies. Hats off to their ability to see and capitalize on an entrepreneurial opportunity, thumbs down for the fact they are exploiting sloppy gov't policy and oversight and exploiting foreign students. Teaching kids from India how to cheat their way into a Canadian school and PR sounds like dirty business to me.

As the student gravy train grinds to a halt, they're moving to the next exploitation -- helping Indian students morph into tradespeople and caregivers to find an alternate path to a PR while getting paid by unscrupulous Canadian firms looking for cheap foreign labour.

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