4k TV 2019 version

Ended up with a 70" Samsung. Looks great and was easy to set up.
With virtually no support, and none planned in the near future.

Sorry to prick your bubble but 8k is quite relevant even tho it will not go mainstream until at least 5g is well established.
Many clients film in 6k and 8k for content and then it is downscaled to 4k for release.

The 8K TV floodgates have been opened, and the next generation of image quality has arrived. The best 8K TV sets come from the likes of Samsung, Sony and LG, with more on the way. CES 2020 is awash with 8K and we're bringing you the highlights of the ultra ultra-ultra HD revolution, in 8K (if you have an 8K monitor).

One thing to know is that 8K is still very much in its infancy, despite the growing number of 8K TV sets. That means there are lots of questions to be answered about it, ranging from from what 8K really means, what you can watch on an 8K TV, and which are the best 8K TVs really worth getting over their 4K equivalents.

So we'll tackle all these questions, and help you get to grips with everything you need to know about 8K TV so far…

Users report better colour rendition ( 4x the pixels) but there is not a lot of content as yet tho the upscaling from 4k to 8k works according to users.

Do I recommend getting one?...nope ....but when 5g emerges bandwidth will not be a issue and it costs very little more to build an 8k screen.
When micro-LED emerges very large wall sized screens that are modular with HDR 20 dynamic range and the crazy bandwith of 5g will make it worth while to have a look.
Do I recommend getting one?...nope ....but when 5g emerges bandwidth will not be a issue

I hope this becomes true
but I can't see mobile bandwidth getting discounted at all
telcos will love it as customers will eat up more data
and pay way more money for it

would love to see 5G unlimited plans
but in Canada where there is close to zero competition
I just don't see it happening

the best future hopes are amazon's satellite broadband system being built
and talk awhile ago about apple doing something similar with the billions in cash they don't know what to do with

Canadian telcos are never going to let go of the data racket they have going
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I hope this becomes true
but I can't see mobile bandwidth getting discounted at all
telcos will love it as customers will eat up more data
and pay way more money for it

would love to see 5G unlimited plans
but in Canada where there is close to zero competeiton
I just don't see it happening

the best future hopes for that are amazon's satellite broadband system being built
and talk awhile ago about apple doing something similar with the billions in cash they don't know what to do with

Canadian telcos are never going to let go of the data racket they have going
Haha, I was talking with cell phone reps the other day. My current plan includes four gigs and if I go over, it is $10 for every two gigs. November 2020 (contract renewal date for main phone), that plan gets cancelled an I automatically switch to four gigs + $100/gig overage fee. There is no way to remain on the current plan. F you Ted (well at least your legacy).
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Throwing money at a pile of ****.
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Haha, I was talking with cell phone reps the other day. My current plan includes four gigs and if I go over, it is $10 for every two gigs. November 2020 (contract renewal date for main phone), that plan gets cancelled an I automatically switch to four gigs + $100/gig overage fee. There is no way to remain on the current plan. F you Ted (well at least your legacy).

I signed onto Rogers unlimited plan around 6 months ago
75/month for unlimited NA calls and texts
10GB/month over LTE, after that data downgrades to
and watch the language here, up to 512kbs for the rest of the month

512 is fast enough for SD netflix and most other basic internet activities
you can be standing directly under a tower and NEVER will you see 512kbs

I signed on to a new Telus plan just after new years.

Unltd everything, with 20GB of data a month for $85.

I also receive a 30% discount through my employer, so really $60ish per month.

No overage charges, but data throttling after my 20gb is used up, ...if I ever manage to use it up
Wide spread 5g is a ways out and in my view will supplant all wired plans. 8k and 5g and new codecs will converge a few years out.

5G speeds will range from ~50 Mbit/s to over 2 gigabit at the start, and is expected to grow to even 100Gbps, 100x faster than 4g. The fastest 5g, known as mmWave, delivers speeds of up to and over 2Gbps.

decent coverage here.

It will be an unholy mess for a while but as it is integral to other non-entertainment plans ( autonomous vehicles, real time surgery etc )

New codecs and processors are in development
How 5G Could Impact Mobile Video Delivery
March 4, 2019
The ways in which video content is consumed and delivered have been totally transformed over the last decade. Did you know that more than 75 percent of worldwide video viewing is mobile? It’s pretty incredible when you think about it. Video consumption on mobile devices will continue to increase and, as it does, 5G networks will play a major role.

5G is expected to be a game changer in the mobile space, maybe even more disruptive than the transition from 2G to 3G.

Of course some remain Luddites. :rolleyes:
Of course some remain Luddites. :rolleyes:

I'm a luddite........sitting in front of a 4K monitor.

I'm a realist, too. 4K was introduced in 2003. 17 years later I have four 4K TV channels. Two of which I have yet to see any content broadcast on (one a no content screen, the other a TSN logo). If 8K makes any headway into the mainstream in half that time I'll be shocked.
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the luddites aren't questioning the technology
what we question is that as the telcos are also rights holders for content
there is gonna be no cheap streaming of anything-K over 5G networks
it's gonna be an azz-raping to make up for the loss of cable and sat TV subscribers
I asked Alexa if I'm a Luddite. Don't think i have ever destroyed any textile manufacturing equipment.
I asked Alexa if I'm a Luddite. Don't think i have ever destroyed any textile manufacturing equipment.

You're a luddite if you ask Alexa to turn up the heat and she tells you to go start a fire in the fireplace yourself.
It wasn't just textile manufacturing equipment, they sabotaged grain mills and steel mills as well. One of thier peak moments was meeting a steam engine on the road on its way to a village to power equipment and pushing it off a cliff.
Guilds that protected jobs like carrying building stone on the back of your shoulders, because wheelbarrows could be pushed by anybody.....

Union discussion anyone......... I can show myself out.
Resurrect an old thread. My 42" plasma died last nite. Have to go shopping now for a max 50". Couch is only 8'away.
Costco isn't a terrible choice. Hassle free exchange if things go wrong. Expect a larger gas bill now that your plasma is no longer heating your house. Friends have some Samsung frame tv's that are pretty good and solve many issues with wall mounted tv's. You do pay extra for that design though. May not be worth it to you.

If you care enough to do research, rtings.com is a pretty good source of info

If you want personal advice and happen to be in Vaughan, go see Trevor at Update TV & Stereo in the shops at Vaughan Mills. I doubt it is worth the trip for you, but he is a straight shooter.
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Mine is 9' away. I went from a 60" to a 65".
It's ideal.
At 8' away, if the sole criteria was visual experience when on and you weren't concerned about cost or appearance when off, 60-85" works well. Often other factors override the watching experience.

Our Samsung died at 2yrs old. Replaced it with a Sony 75" and love it so much more. Better image, faster menus, etc. I was able to make the Samsung work (dead LED) and it's now a garage tv but love the Sony so much more. Bought both at Best Buy.
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