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  1. jooce

    Shorter shifter handles

    pazzo knockoff sold in gta look on kijiji for 100$ or online. but short lever are pricey just sayin
  2. jooce

    What's your new ride for 2011???

    heres a pic of my 07 ninja picked it up june 11th. its stock in the pic I just added carbon yosh slip, home made fender eliminator, and pazzos. post pic later.
  3. jooce

    Really? Highbeams during the day???

    your seen/noticed whatever the hell you wanna call it.
  4. jooce

    Riders tucked at 80km/h ...

    Maybe it was windy
  5. jooce

    what's the longest you've gone without changing brake fluid...

    it takes 5mins and all you need is fluid and a tube. not a hassle at all
  6. jooce

    Where did you guys order your stunt/crash cages?

    the Impaktech ones look proper
  7. jooce

    Where did you guys order your stunt/crash cages?

    Thanks man I see your name up on that site...thats dope I will def get in contact with these guys
  8. jooce

    Where did you guys order your stunt/crash cages?

    what do you recommend? what do you have? where'd you get it? I seen some tiger shark ones. I'm also concerned about shipping and installing.
  9. jooce

    What do you do, when you see a driver texting?

    +1 I would avoid them and don't tap on any window that's gonna make matters worse, unless you like to brawl.
  10. jooce

    My last time shopping at rider's choice....

    GPBIKES nuff said!
  11. jooce

    Where did you guys order your stunt/crash cages?

    Hey dudes I'm about to order a freestyle ingenuity cage for my 07 zx6r. has em for $269.95 (us) with 50% off shipping to Canada. has it for $307.97 (can) and $26.50 for shipping to Ontario from BC. What shall I do????? I don't usually order online...
  12. jooce

    Motorcycle Patches in GTA?

    correction YOU ARE (you're) QUEER smart ***!
  13. jooce

    Motorcycle Patches in GTA?

    no thanks. more like "if you can read this your queer"
  14. jooce

    Motorcycle Patches in GTA?

    did you find out where???????? anyone?????
  15. jooce

    Bad Motorcycle Shop Experiences

    again STURGESS CYCLE is still the worst, for sevice that is. Those idiots don't know how to treat customers never buying a bike from them again. GPBIKES on the other hand are great. dudes out there are real polite and even gave me a deal. 100$ difference from sturgess on a slip-on. only offered...
  16. jooce

    and THIS is why Google ROCKS!!

    thats cool
  17. jooce

    Three Wheelers. Wave or Not to Wave?

    advice about waving?
  18. jooce

    Funny story about an r6 i went to look at yesterday

    if you have a bad feeling about a bike or the seller, plain and simple don't buy it
  19. jooce

    Yamaha race suit and jacket Leather

    Still for sale call or text 905-906-6383
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