Three Wheelers. Wave or Not to Wave?

Wave like Ric said cause you never know if they are riders that can't ride on two any more cause of physical issues. I wave or nod at everyone on a bike. Would wave to scooters but they don't even acknowlege you so I don't bother.

I have...they just wave back.
There's a guy in the next town over who rides an Electra-Glide with a sidecar... he only has one leg. I wave to him every time I see him, but he never waves back. Friggin' Harley riders.

Oh, wait...
I personally will wave at anyone on two or three wheels..Its just the thing to do.. And yes.. This girl on her sportbike is not ashamed to say I will wave at the scooters.. They need some love 2!! :)
Wave at anyone you feel is deserving of your respect on the road.

Here is my list:
Riders (SS) 85% wave back
Bikers (cruisers) 50% wave back
Scooters (sometimes) 10% wave back
E-Bikes (sometimes) 100% don't even notice
Classic cars (they get a thumbs up) 25% acknowledge
Jaw dropping litting kids crossing the intersection in front of me, slowing their parents up as they stare (little kiddy wave) 100% satisfaction
People motioning me to pop a wheelie (receive the "no" head shake)
Trikes (dont make my list)
People who wave to me (matching wave returned) 100% of time (nod substitutes of clutch hand is busy).

Sometimes all the waving gets to be too much, or in places where there are bikes everywhere (Europe) waving becomes restricted to...same make, same model, or when the bike frequency drops to 1 every 5 minutes. Some downtown core areas have a bike / scoot every 30 seconds. Waving loses it's cache in such circumstances.

As a rule of thumb and respect....wave back to those who wave to you.
For real the traidition is being lost, there are way too many bikes out there nowadays.

When I lived in London (UK), waving wasn't done down town, unless it was something unique...sweet ride, same model, etc. But once you were out in the burbs and down to a 1 biker / 5 min interval the waving kicked back in....but since you can't wave your clutch hand in the UK as the rider is on the other side.....we just nodded.

Waving downtown might be fading out here for the same reason.
Waving is kinda weird, I prefer to follow the rider untill he stops and then I get off my bike and just give him a big ol' 2 minute hug...even people on three wheelers.
Dude, are you serious? The answer is do whatever you want to do.

There is no rule book that states "you must wave at every motorcycle operator." This post is childish beyond belief.

+1 on the childish post... Cut the 16 year old some slack though...
What about blowing kisses at hotties?
just keep your bike parked at a timmies or in a condo parking garage and then you won't have to wave at any of the fake riders.

also, fill your heart with hate and throw puppies at people. and if that makes them happy... kick the puppies.
There's a guy in the next town over who rides an Electra-Glide with a sidecar... he only has one leg. I wave to him every time I see him, but he never waves back. Friggin' Harley riders.

Oh, wait...

Maybe it's his arm, not his leg?????
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