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    check out this video

    why do the worlds best stunters have to be european? this is a pretty insane stunt if you ask me and i don't think it's in europe
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    Crash cage

    what year? i have one available
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    Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

    i listed my 2002 r6 for 3000 and was willing to drop the price to 2500 for the final person to see it (plus i spent close to 1k changing the gear wheels to ensure no 2nd gear problems with reciepts to prove it)...but no one bought it and instead i got horrible low balls like 1500. i'm also...
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    triple tree

    was the pinch strong enough to hold the bars straight? i'm using it for stunt purposes so i'm worried the pressure might be a bit much on the bars if i leave the bolt out....
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    triple tree

    on my 2002 r6 i want to straighten the bars iive been suggested 2 options 1 - clip ons 2- "turn and flip" method i played around with it a bit...i can get them straight if i loosen them and push them up a bit, but to get them to stay i'd have to drill thru the triple with a self tapping...
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    Spots in the halton/peel region

    i'm sure there is tons of places...just drive around until you find something
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    Another 240+ Kph video posted

    lol thats f'in awesome you have the perfect pic for everything! bahahaha:lmao:
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    my new spot

    #$#% i got kicked off the property....who knew they had ppl working on sunday?!?! atleast they were nice and told us to leave politely
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    my new spot

    how bout no scott
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    my new spot

    driving around and stumbled upon this freshly paved lot :D :agave: love at first sight
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    johnnyp youre the man

    LOL! looked like some kebob to me, was gonna comment earlier haha! ox tail would have been priceless.
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    johnnyp youre the man

    Johnny, do you powder coat it yourself? if so can i get a quote from you?
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    not sure what that means lol
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    is it just me?

    def frustration on this end, i'm about $1000 cheaper than every other bike thats at par with mine...
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    what can i do for better control, my bars are in the position they were when i bought the bike seen some people with the dirt bike bars open to suggestions :)
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    Anyone got a stunt spot near hamilton?

    malls probably arent the best spots...not secluded enough imo im sure if you cruise around for a day in some industrial neighbourhoods you'll find somehting thats what i did and i have 4 spots now lol
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    is it just me?

    or does everyone on the market for a bike expect to get a 2012 for the price of a bikes for sale and i seem to be getting people who know not much about bikes expecting grade a quality on my 2002 r6.... just a rant lol open for discussion
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    2002 R6 Black - Better Than This Guys Bike \/ \/ \/

    whats wrong with you people? this is currently the best priced r6 on the market... ya'll have to be crazy to pass this up
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    2002 R6 Black - Better Than This Guys Bike \/ \/ \/
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    chain question

    do you want us to send you a void cheque and some spark plugs? i can accompany the cheque with my SIN number too
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