johnnyp youre the man


Well-known member
2013 street killer rasta style, big thanks to johnny for hooking up parts and help i needed
body work is going for paint soon ill update the pics when its all complete



Damn it, i was going to try to be the man today. Guess theres no point now....
+1 for Johnny, my bike is in pieces right now getting everything he could get his hands on powder coated or anodized.
Can't wait to get it back!!
LOL the rasta edition 636 is popping man, glad you decided to keep it rasta...Just add some red in there for me please, maybe airbrush a lion head or 2 wearing a crown...
Johnny, do you powder coat it yourself? if so can i get a quote from you?
Johnny, do you powder coat it yourself? if so can i get a quote from you?

I dont do the actual coating, I work with an industrial coater down the street from my shop. I do all the stripping of the parts, cleaning, bearings removal, etc etc. And the prep work, then he just coats for me...And then I also do all the reassembly...

You can PM me with any questions...
LOL the rasta edition 636 is popping man, glad you decided to keep it rasta...Just add some red in there for me please, maybe airbrush a lion head or 2 wearing a crown...
rasta kinda grew on me thinking of doing the wheels yellow and keeping the rest black
haha just noticed my sushi take out in the pic should of went with ox tail dinner that would of been epic
haha just noticed my sushi take out in the pic should of went with ox tail dinner that would of been epic

I was just looking at that. Was lunch time?

Sent from my phone using my paws
haha just noticed my sushi take out in the pic should of went with ox tail dinner that would of been epic

LOL! looked like some kebob to me, was gonna comment earlier haha! ox tail would have been priceless.
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