check out this video


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I think I've seen a decent amount of stunting videos. This video has some content that I haven't seen much stunters do and think he probably deserves some recognition for. Ignore the boring woman/car intro.


Definitely feels like hes trying to push the boundaries on stunt riding. He does drop the bike alot trying to do quite hard tricks.
barehanded in sweats...makes me cringe, lol
I hope non of you commenting are stunters (im neither but), since this is a stunters forum, that would be extremely embarassing to see toronto stunters have no clue who Javi Alzaman is, a.k.a dirt devil.

But then again this is Toronto, where posers think they know it all.

For that video of Rafal above, who is "officially", meaning "Legally" no 1 stunter in the world, he made a short film about honouring Javi and Jorien, both French, Spanish, European Stunters, Rafal is Polish Stunter if you didn't know already.

Maybe Javi actually put all his money towards his skill rather then in things that make him LOOK like a professional rider and

I have met him, and imo, he would RAPEEE any rider from toronto on bikes, even track rossi wanna be's.

If you also didn't know European Riders, pro or just your average joe or stunters, are the BEST riders in the world. Let your favourite rider be proof, Rossi - Italian FROM Italy, Rafal - Polish from Poland no.1 stunter in the world, same goes for F1 drivers etc.

I don't understand why guys in tronto think they know it all and are big shots, who the hell does Toronto have that has ever made it worldwide success in GP1 or F1? on a global scale ? having wins after wins.....yet people here chirp all day and hate on others all day long. I have met some great riders who are much better then me in Toronto who would have a great future in motorsports but again their ego will never let them succed, what is it with people in Toronto, not humble like the rest of the

anyways i digress, here is the video of Rafal honouring Javi and Jorien, both of whom respect Javi and fear his skill set. Toronto can learn a thing or two from Rafal on how to be humble and respectful towards others, even after being the best in the

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I think I've seen a decent amount of stunting videos. This video has some content that I haven't seen much stunters do and think he probably deserves some recognition for. Ignore the boring woman/car intro.


Definitely feels like hes trying to push the boundaries on stunt riding. He does drop the bike alot trying to do quite hard tricks.

I have to agree Javi is def one of the craziest most agressive riders out there, no wonder his bike looks like it was abused/man

but yea at that skill level pushing boundaries of already crazy boundaries is insane, and crash prone anytime learning something new is common.

I think he will go far regardless if he takes the just for fun route or makes it a job and goes pro "legal", although i notice, any time a rider/driver goes legal, the rules involved reduce the riders skill level ability, there is a reason why some love the street, its no rules, no distractions, no boundaries, nothing, its all left to you, your imagination and freedom to do what ever you want.

I notice pro stunters like Rafal now, before every week there would be a new trick, new environment, new spot, now its like a rehersal of the same things, to make money in different shows, videos and more of a routine then adventure like on the streets. etc but thats how it always is.
I hope non of you commenting are stunters (im neither but), since this is a stunters forum, that would be extremely embarassing to see toronto stunters have no clue who Javi Alzaman is, a.k.a dirt devil.

But then again this is Toronto, where posers think they know it all.

For that video of Rafal above, who is "officially", meaning "Legally" no 1 stunter in the world, he made a short film about honouring Javi and Jorien, both French, Spanish, European Stunters, Rafal is Polish Stunter if you didn't know already.

Maybe Javi actually put all his money towards his skill rather then in things that make him LOOK like a professional rider and

I have met him, and imo, he would RAPEEE any rider from toronto on bikes, even track rossi wanna be's.

If you also didn't know European Riders, pro or just your average joe or stunters, are the BEST riders in the world. Let your favourite rider be proof, Rossi - Italian FROM Italy, Rafal - Polish from Poland no.1 stunter in the world, same goes for F1 drivers etc.

I don't understand why guys in tronto think they know it all and are big shots, who the hell does Toronto have that has ever made it worldwide success in GP1 or F1? on a global scale ? having wins after wins.....yet people here chirp all day and hate on others all day long. I have met some great riders who are much better then me in Toronto who would have a great future in motorsports but again their ego will never let them succed, what is it with people in Toronto, not humble like the rest of the

anyways i digress, here is the video of Rafal honouring Javi and Jorien, both of whom respect Javi and fear his skill set. Toronto can learn a thing or two from Rafal on how to be humble and respectful towards others, even after being the best in the

and then we have this

2WET said:
i would consider myself one of the best riders in toronto

2WET said:
i only gotinto riding because of you, back in 2009 i saw you

and then we have this

LOL - Oh man what is up with these kids lately. I guess he personally knows all riders in Toronto to know he is the best, but how can he know all the riders in Toronto if he rides 100k plus a season

LOL - Oh man what is up with these kids lately. I guess he personally knows all riders in Toronto to know he is the best, but how can he know all the riders in Toronto if he rides 100k plus a season


I call this the youtube generation effect...sees ghostrider on youtube, buys bike and now thinks he's ghostrider hahaha

Oh but he'll never come to a track where he can actually use the bike to its potential, after all you don't buy a bazooka to shoot a mailbox? wtf :lmao:
I like how watching videos make people think they know it all about stunting, I know a few stunters myself and some have skills that would have put them on the map but its not their skills or attitude it all comes down to 1 thing.. $$Stunters stunt cuz its the sport they love its a passion, its not to be the best or have "bragging rights".. try and get a sponser in this city and you will realize that its the big companys that put their dollars into these riders, and yes when they do get "famous", their tricks are not going to progress as rapid as they did, no more practice time when people tell you where to go and be, if you get hurt your worthless to their name so do what you know for shows.. Jorian first main sponsor was underwear! that is what got him out there if you ask me, the other big names followed when they seen him getting hits and Freegun was putting out quality videos.. Monster just signed him not even a year know. soo.. In my opinion people like shows and watching riders push themselves to see what is possible on their bike, but ask for support from shops and other venues in this city and you will be left in the cold like winter. Even the west side of our country gets support to hold shows and its not Canada its just our stuck up city..Name me a venue besides blocko that holds a yearly event for bikes..(that has stunt shows) its usually an individual trying to make it happen but sees you can only do so much by the end Bill Dixon would show up Rafal, Javi, Jorian, Marcien etc...
I like how watching videos make people think they know it all about stunting, I know a few stunters myself and some have skills that would have put them on the map but its not their skills or attitude it all comes down to 1 thing.. $$Stunters stunt cuz its the sport they love its a passion, its not to be the best or have "bragging rights".. try and get a sponser in this city and you will realize that its the big companys that put their dollars into these riders, and yes when they do get "famous", their tricks are not going to progress as rapid as they did, no more practice time when people tell you where to go and be, if you get hurt your worthless to their name so do what you know for shows.. Jorian first main sponsor was underwear! that is what got him out there if you ask me, the other big names followed when they seen him getting hits and Freegun was putting out quality videos.. Monster just signed him not even a year know. soo.. In my opinion people like shows and watching riders push themselves to see what is possible on their bike, but ask for support from shops and other venues in this city and you will be left in the cold like winter. Even the west side of our country gets support to hold shows and its not Canada its just our stuck up city..Name me a venue besides blocko that holds a yearly event for bikes..(that has stunt shows) its usually an individual trying to make it happen but sees you can only do so much by the end Bill Dixon would show up Rafal, Javi, Jorian, Marcien etc...

Good point Bill D has some tricks that only him alone I have seen do.....He started the fad of adding a rear hand brake to do no handle bar stoppies. He does some of the nastiest 180 whips...And I will always remember his high speed sit down no handers!
Good point Bill D has some tricks that only him alone I have seen do.....He started the fad of adding a rear hand brake to do no handle bar stoppies. He does some of the nastiest 180 whips...And I will always remember his high speed sit down no handers!

I thought you were pulling a fast one here so i checked it out on youtube. How the **** does the bike not just fall over to one or the other side when doing this?
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