is it just me?


Well-known member
or does everyone on the market for a bike expect to get a 2012 for the price of a bikes for sale and i seem to be getting people who know not much about bikes expecting grade a quality on my 2002 r6....

just a rant lol open for discussion
or does everyone on the market for a bike expect to get a 2012 for the price of a bikes for sale and i seem to be getting people who know not much about bikes expecting grade a quality on my 2002 r6....

just a rant lol open for discussion

Its a two way street. People wan't a brand new bike for nothing, and sellers want more than asking price when brand new for a used bike. Makes for hilarity, or frustration when trying to buy/sell
def frustration on this end, i'm about $1000 cheaper than every other bike thats at par with mine...
I was selling a mint F4i, similar F4i's were going for $4500-5000.
I priced mine at $3500 for a quick sale and still had tons of people asking for $1500-2500.
Times are tough and people are being squeezed left right and centre for everything, so when it comes to buying a bike people are trying to get the absolute best deal possible...even if it means low balling a seller in a attempt to save loot.
I linked my ad on Kijiji to my blog and have my email and phone # there. If they send an email directly from Kijiji I ignore it. If people can't read, they likely aren't serious either. This isn't the best time of the year to sell stuff either lol
People ask for stupid money because they know that there will be many low ball offers because everyone wants to get a deal. This way they can reduce the price to a lower selling value, let the guy feel like they're getting a deal, and still get what they actually want for the bike. When I put my bike up for sale I asked a fair price and I reduced it by $200 for the final price to the guy. Bike sold within 1 week with no hassle and both parties respected the other with a fair offer.

When I posted the CBR125R this was the list of common emails:

1. How fast will it go?
2. Will it go 200?
3. Will you take 50% of the asking price
4. Will you take 25% of the price because I'm a poor student and need help and my dream is to have a bike so can you please help me out
5. I will pay you 120% of the price because I am buying it for my sister/mother/brother/grandfather and I live on a ship in the Indian Ocean so can't pick it up
^Again, more reason to filter "common" emails.

That, and a large portion of individuals who buy bikes, for some reason, don't end up riding them much.
Sell a bike? I'm planning to keep all of mine and maintain a fleet in my future garage-o-rama.

I would definitely find more confidence in the bike's quality if the seller had a riding blog. Price is important but I think seller credibility is the most important; don't want a lemon that's for sure.
Just picked up clean 2008 CBR600RR with 2500km on it for $6000 cash. Lowballed the original price by $500.

Oh, forgot to mention that I got it from NY state cause Great Toronto Area prices are just out of this world.
or does everyone on the market for a bike expect to get a 2012 for the price of a bikes for sale and i seem to be getting people who know not much about bikes expecting grade a quality on my 2002 r6....

just a rant lol open for discussion

A lot of offers are from people who don't particularly want the bike. They're more interested in getting a steal either for their own use or for resale. Patience will get you the right buyer, who's actualy interested in your bike for a fair price.
I believe both parties are at fault, however for a seller to a get "Good guy" buyer, they must come down to the real world and list the bike at a fare price. A lot of people including myself are pushed back by these crazy prices on kijiji especially for 250s.
I still to this day don't know a fair price for 2010-2012 Ninja 250 with ~10k or less. Anyone could chime in and tell me what is reasonable to pay?
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3 to 4k if not dropped. That's about what everyone I know has paid. I can't believe the guys asking 5k with fairings that look like they went through a derby... "simple to fix" lol. Do it yerself then ahole.

This guy has to know he's not going to get more than 3.2

And the rest under 4k have more serious issues. But I've never heard of anyone paying more than 4k for a 250r in near mint condition unless they went to Kahuna.

I still to this day don't know a fair price for 2010-2012 Ninja 250 with ~10k or less. Anyone could chime in and tell me what is reasonable to pay?
3 to 4k if not dropped. That's about what everyone I know has paid. I can't believe the guys asking 5k with fairings that look like they went through a derby... "simple to fix" lol. Do it yerself then ahole.

3k -4k is a big range for a bike =) Have you paid about 3.5 as far as I remember you posted?
def frustration on this end, i'm about $1000 cheaper than every other bike thats at par with mine...

I think your price is alright.

People are giving you ****** offers for the mileage (some think it's high) and rebuilt engine. Lots of year end flakes. Park it for the winter if you're not in a hurry, and come spring time, when it's nice and warm out, some 18 year old with a hard-on for an SS will come along and you'll get your asking price. Matter of fact, add $500 in the spring, then when you sell it for 3K, he'll feel happy and so will you. done.
No its not you, its the buyers.

I have sold 4 bikes in the last 7 years (all 4 years old or less) and can tell you all of the people wanting to buy, wanted it for at least 25% off what I was asking, which was book value and was less than what a dealer was selling for. I'm usually not firm with asking price and I can negotiate on asking price, but when they saw the condition of the bikes (mint) usually the first question was, 'will you take THIS'? (asking price less 25%).

Then for me its like 'huh', 'don't you want to get into specifics'? When one buys something its customary to talk about the article in question, like; are you the original owner, how long have you owned it, how many km, has it been down, have you ever tracked it, can I get a test ride, etcetera. Finally if the buyer is interested, the last question is price, not the first question.

It was consistent and unbelievable at the same time. Its like they were a clone of each other, only with different faces. I'm still scratching my head. I have sold many items (cars, etc.) over the years but I have never seen anything like it except with selling of bikes (they were sport bikes). I have no theory as to why this would be, other than they were immature (25 or younger) and likely have heard of a bargain that a friend got and figure they are entitled to one too.
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