Anyone got a stunt spot near hamilton?


Well-known member
I have a titleless 600 thats collecting dust and my wheelies/stoppies need some work. Someone shoot me a pm if they know of some private property to screw around on one weekend. I'd be trailering the bike out there. Cheers.
155 King William St Hamilton, ON L8R 1J7;)
im guessing thats out front of a police station :P smartass
cant you just go to a mall on a weekend after they close and screw around till security asks you to leave? or will the cops likely show up first to something like that?
malls probably arent the best spots...not secluded enough imo

im sure if you cruise around for a day in some industrial neighbourhoods you'll find somehting

thats what i did and i have 4 spots now lol
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