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  1. P

    whats the deal with ...

    i would take my chances in this topless world you speak of
  2. P

    WTB 04 GSXR Black Rear Mudguard

    Looking for a black rear tire hugger for an 04 GSXR 600. thanks
  3. P

    Looking To Start A Riding Group For Noobs

    I have been riding for about 3 years but I would definitely tag along. Im in Etobicoke.
  4. P

    M road test next week... very nervous

    I passed at downsview this week. I thought I failed because there was some rusty yellow residue on the road that looked like the lane marking, but i was actually driving on the opposite side of the road LOL guy tells me "maintain blocking position, u are driving on the wrong side of the road"...
  5. P

    Suck it up and ride or take a refresher course?

    just ride around your neighbourhood for a while and once you've got a good feel for how the brakes, throttle react on straightaways and turns, move onto the highway when there will be no cars (say Sunday morning at 8am)/. That's how i learned on my 600. As someone else mentioned, its confidence...
  6. P

    Really? Highbeams during the day???

    Between my HIDs and my alarm, my power flickers so during the day, I leave my highbeam on (halogen) and at night i ll put the lowbeam HIDs on. I didnt think my highbeam was actually bothering anyone during the this bothering most people or just the old guys?
  7. P

    Dangerous Driving plz help

    Depending on the circumstances, you should be able to have the dangerous tossed and plea to stunt driving and some community service. I think that's the best you will be able to do.
  8. P

    Working out! Fitness! Nutrition! would laugh at that pathetic bacon recipe
  9. P

    Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

    i wouldnt recommend this gym until you actually walk in. It has to be the sloppiest gym layout i have ever seen. It is like they rented out 3 adjacent office spaces, opened the doors to each and put some equipment in there. It is small too...I joined premier fitness on islington but they are now...
  10. P

    US Motorcycle Racing Course?

    thanks! for that price it better be amazing. im gonna look into this.
  11. P

    US Motorcycle Racing Course?

    I found that too but didnt see much of a difference between this and the weekend courses offered at the tracks around here. maybe I was just misinformed. Thanks
  12. P

    US Motorcycle Racing Course?

    A friend of mine told me he had heard that there is a course in the US that lasts a week and you got trained in the way of motorcycle racing skills and such. In the price, I believe they also provide accommodations and food. Has anyone heard of this? I am interested in taking the course. Thanks.
  13. P

    Toolkit, to keep on the bike to to remove?

    I've had my shifter come loose on the highway and I had to get off to tighten the bolt. Couldn't have done it without my toolkit
  14. P

    Poop burgers anyone? (Not McDonald's)

    probably has 2girls 1 cup bookmarked
  15. P

    WTB 04 GSXR Black Rear Mudguard

    Like the title says, looking for a black rear mudguard in good condition for a K4 GSXR. Please let me know if you have and the price and your location. Thanks.
  16. P

    Poop burgers anyone? (Not McDonald's) Thank you, Japan!
  17. P

    Got caught going 166 km/h on highway. Need help!

    Is it really 6 years? I thought the max is 3 years for a traffic violation and 5years for an at fault accident.
  18. P

    Pet dog on a sportbike?

    my intent wasn't to be a poser...i just hate those people who get dogs, neglect them and leave em outside in the yard and just go on their way. I love riding and since it is summer, I will be doing a lot of riding and I don't wanna be like those who just leave the poor animal on their own all...
  19. P

    Pet dog on a sportbike?

    im more concerned with the exhaust noise cuz you see dogs with their heads hanging out car windows....and what's worse is thinking about the dogs that ride with cruisers..however, you can get mutt muffs and the third wheel trailer is pretty cool
  20. P

    Pet dog on a sportbike?

    the cage is a good idea. and i just found some sport bike side cars online so this could work. thanks
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