Toolkit, to keep on the bike to to remove?


Well-known member
Just curious, how many of you have taken out the tool-kit out of your bike? I ask because I'm tempted to do that. Basically to get a bit more storage by taking out the toolkit out of the back seat. Any major downside? I mean if you get a flat, the toolkit won't help much. What's the worst that can happen on the road ride without the toolkit that is needed?
The bike I have is the 2010 SV650S
When your battery dies in Milton and you can't bump start it and need the tool kit to remove the seat so you can boost the battery to get home, you'll wish you had the tool kit in there
I carry additional tools in my backpack so... No, i have never considered this. Being able to fix something on the side of the road is more important to me than about 10 cubic inches of storage space. If you cant fix your bike on the side of the road anyway, then yeah, go ahead and take it out.
I have bring additional tools and zip ties on the long trips. You never know when you will need it, removing the kit would be flat out dumb =/. Then again if your a squid may as well take the tool kit out . . . Ride safe, Ride smart. Be safe people !
never had a tool kit in any of my bikes. maybe this will come bite me sometime?
I didn't even know my Hyper had a toolkit till another owner showed me where it was hidden.Unless i'm doing a big tour,all i carry is my cell,Visa card and CAA card.
Go with your instinct. If your first instinct when you car/bike breaks down is to call a tow truck, you probably don't need it.
Always have carried the toolkit, but always have ridden older bikes. Handy for stuff that comes loose or replacing speedo cables far from home. Personally I would leave it in, the sandwich-sized amount of storage isn't going to make much of a difference.
My last bike almost caught on fire because of shoddy wiring at the battery and the ONE TOOL I didn't have in my toolkit were the allen keys for the seat.
I've had my shifter come loose on the highway and I had to get off to tighten the bolt. Couldn't have done it without my toolkit
A tool kit is valuable only if you know what to do with it :)
If you don't wrench on your own bike, a toolkit won't do you any good, unless someone is around to use it for you, in which case you'd be glad you had it with you.

In any case, I always keep my toolkit in the bike, and take some spare tools on long trips like previously mentioned.
How much space can that thing possibly be taking up? If you want extra storage, get a tail bag IMO.

My bike is old and the tool kit is long gone, so I put together my own tool kit and jammed it in there haha.
I've done many roadside repairs. I Always carry a toolkit. I'd rather fix my bike in half an hour than wait one hour for a tow truck.
a toolkit taking up storage space is a small price to pay for a piece of mind and the ability to help yourself should you need to.

keep the tool kit.

you just never know what might happen.
Keep it an upgrade it (add better tools). Even if you are not going to do major road side repairs bolts come lose, spark plugs foul...
handle bar came slightly loose once, fixed side of road
needed to change oil, changed side of road
was far from home oem chain was close to its max stretch with alot of slack, fixed on side of road
battery, side of road
replacing headlight, tailight bulbs at night, so don't get a ticket or unwanted police attention. side of road
and infinate other uses for the bike tool kit, infact i actually keep extra tools that i need for my bike, and some electric tape and bolts, pretty much with just a hand full of tools and things, i can do/fix 70% of non major mechanicals problems on the side of the road, much better then waisting money on tow fees waiting time for them and embarassing ride home. also i feel mor confident riding anywhere knowing if anything happens i got most of it covered, i hate stress related issuses.
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