M road test next week... very nervous


Well-known member
Hey guys...

I am having my road test next week, pretty nervous. Do you guys have any tips? I want to make sure I pass it, like what do you have to do in the test do you do a small test in the parking lot where they have pylons all over than go out with the instructor? like how does it happen, sorry im really nervous i cant fail this

Elton, tip #1, don't be nervous, it'll only make it worse. #2, don't sweat it, if I recall my test (and it was a long, long time ago) it was pretty easy, and over fast. Just practice your fundamentals. I think they concentrate on balance, that you won't put the bike on the ground, avoidance maneuvers, and awareness of your surroundings. You'll do fine. Come back and let us know when you pass!
You need to relax, if you fail just book another test. It's really nothing to worry about, exadurate your head movements when you check your mirrors, blind spot checks, and look both ways before going through intersections. Don't shift while turning, and keep a brake on when stopped. If you do this and don't dump the bike you'll pass.
Thanks everyone... much appreciated. I just dont want to spend another $70 and fee for renting the bike... >.< Hope I'll be okay, im taking the test in downsview :D
I passed at downsview this week. I thought I failed because there was some rusty yellow residue on the road that looked like the lane marking, but i was actually driving on the opposite side of the road LOL
guy tells me "maintain blocking position, u are driving on the wrong side of the road". After that, i actually started being sloppy because i figured it was all over. thankfully I was still good and pleasantly surprised. So another piece of advice: even if you think you failed, keep doing your best.
Just focus on keeping your head on a swivel (so they can see you looking at EVERYTHING) and the rest will fall in place. Easy as p.i.e.
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