Dangerous Driving plz help


New member
I was just charged with Dangerous Driving and Stunt Driving. I was riding really stupid, and now regret it. It was on a major highway.

My question is: Does anyone know a good lawyer? or have any advise for me?

Please help
Depending on your record, if it's not bad and this is a first infraction you could make a plea bargin. Otherwise, really spend as much as you can to hire the best lawyer around. Other than suspension and fine you're looking at 10k/yr for liability insurance. What did you exactly do to earn dangerous and stunt driving?
That's a terrible charge, however there are worse charges out there you can get. You got 2 tickets so u plea to one for the other to be dropped. Get a good lawyer bro...

Sorry to jack your thread, but my friend got convicted of careless driving. Is that a criminal charge?
That's a terrible charge, however there are worse charges out there you can get. You got 2 tickets so u plea to one for the other to be dropped. Get a good lawyer bro...

Sorry to jack your thread, but my friend got convicted of careless driving. Is that a criminal charge?

Careless is not a criminal charge. I was thinking the OP might be able to plea both down to one count of careless with a good lawyer.
That's a terrible charge, however there are worse charges out there you can get. You got 2 tickets so u plea to one for the other to be dropped. Get a good lawyer bro...

Sorry to jack your thread, but my friend got convicted of careless driving. Is that a criminal charge?

Careless driving is an HTA charge with potentially heavy financial penalties and insurance implications.

Dangerous driving is a Criminal code charge with potentially heavy financial penalties and insurance and criminal record implications.

A 172 charge is just plain bad news, without criminal record implications.

The OP must have really been " being stupid" (his words) or P-O'd the cop off badly to earn a Dangerous driving charge. Time to sell the bike for the $$ needed, lawyer up with a top-shelf attorney, and hope for the best.
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Depending on your record, if it's not bad and this is a first infraction you could make a plea bargin. Otherwise, really spend as much as you can to hire the best lawyer around. Other than suspension and fine you're looking at 10k/yr for liability insurance. What did you exactly do to earn dangerous and stunt driving?

As Bill said 'operation without due care and attention' is a HTA charge, but 'dangerous operation of a vehicle' is a Criminal Code charge. If this is the latter, and from the OP's statement it seems to be, then this isn't the sort of situation in which he can afford to go it alone. Even if he wanted to plead guilty, he needs representation.

If no one can recommend a lawyer, then the Law Society of Upper Canada has a referral service: http://www.lsuc.on.ca/index.aspx?langtype=1033
Another obvious thing to point out is: do not reveal or discuss any details of the incident with anyone except the lawyer.
Depending on the circumstances, you should be able to have the dangerous tossed and plea to stunt driving and some community service. I think that's the best you will be able to do.
since he was arrested and got criminal charges, can't he have a lawyer provided to him if he can't afford one himself??
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since he was arrested and got criminal charges, can't he have a lawyer provided to him if he can't afford one himself??

Those lawyers are usually crap...
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Those lawyers are usually crap...

When the charge is criminal you have to consider the long term ramifications of a criminal record. Jobs one can't get clearance for, travel to other countries, and unlike a HTA charge it never gets erased.

You never know when that conviction will pop up and shove a wrench in your spokes. Pay now or pay later.

I would be thinking in terms of a $10G legal cost. Is that in the ballpark?
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