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  1. FitzR6

    NSFW******Holy Batman (bike crash pics)

    Guy was doing 120MPH and crashed into back of semi. Two words, slow down!
  2. FitzR6

    Stolen Plate

    I rather this than see another "stolen bike" thread. Count your blessings OP.
  3. FitzR6

    Clayton Rivet death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

    Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation. That's what choppers and planes are for.
  4. FitzR6

    Failing to stop

    Hey OP, is your story from Durham? Anyhow, 172 is a big part of it. I got a 172 two years ago on the DVP. Copper was going northbound and I was going southbound around the don mills exit, he did a u turn and caught up to me at the lakeshore exit as there was construction. I had no reason to...
  5. FitzR6

    Riding in rain (pic)...

    Seeing so many riders in the rain today got me wondering if I am the only one who checks the weather? Got caught in rain before, could not see a damn thing, braking was terrible, turning was worse and my leathers were ruined. Snapped a pic of this poor guy today on drive home from work...
  6. FitzR6

    Fighting a parking ticket (maybe an odd situation)

    Can't be reversed brah, ticket is already written. Just fight it, changes are parking officer will not show up. good luck.
  7. FitzR6

    June 19th, rider down, Don Mills

    can't believe u were laid out like that but still were able to take pic lol
  8. FitzR6

    Brake checking vs tailgating

    This is what happens when you brake check a car on your bike: So don't do it k.
  9. FitzR6

    Who has the right of way in this scenario?

    seeing that it's called "right of way" and the purple car is going right, I would say the purple car for $350 Alex. However, I think if light is amber it is common curtesy to let the blue car complete left turn.
  10. FitzR6

    Presenting..the Ultimate Hooligan Genius

    Looks like u didn't study the georgraphy part of that citizenship test hard enough cause you seem to think Chicago is in Canada.
  11. FitzR6

    Stolen motorcycle on test drive tonight. June-14- 10 pm

    SMDH even harder OP. Crash had nothing to do with ur bike, ur bitter but that does not mean you should start wishing death on people.
  12. FitzR6

    Stolen motorcycle on test drive tonight. June-14- 10 pm

    People still do test rides? "Hey random person responding to my ad, here is bike and keys, be sure to bring her back" SMDH.
  13. FitzR6

    Bike/Police fatal crash

    That's some BS, cop was going in opposite direction yet rider collided into the side of his cruiser? That fk'r clearly tried to be a hero now someone is dead over a traffic ticket. Definitely taken too soon, RIP rider.
  14. FitzR6

    How to start an MC !?!?

    No one is saying the HA are a bunch of old geezers, all we are saying is that they don't give a chit about SOA wannabees. If a HA member at LnL takes it upon himself to go punk of some kid with a patch on his back that's strictly on him and for kicks, not a club matter. I don't even know why...
  15. FitzR6

    How to start an MC !?!?

    You telling me to learn about the MC street code from google cause it will educate me more than TV? Not sure if you are serious or just a strong retard.
  16. FitzR6

    How should I handle this odd situation?

    lol'd just ignore him bro.
  17. FitzR6

    What ever happened to Sgt. Dennis Mahoney-Bruer?

    I would like to know as well. Please respond.
  18. FitzR6

    Instant douche bikes?

    Re: Instant ****** bikes? The only riders I have seen who are consistently a-holes are Harley riders. They are even A-holes to each other.
  19. FitzR6

    Stupidly overpriced motorcycle for sale thread

    Seriously, where the fk do these idiots come up with their science?
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