Today at approximately 15:30 my Ontario license plate was stolen off of my bike. It was taken from the downtown Toronto area. The plate number is SMTTY and it has been reported as stolen. If you see it please report it. Thanks!
That sucks... I'm assuming you notified both the police and mto?
The plate number is SMTTY and it has been reported as stolen
I did report it to police and 407. What sucks is that I technically can't ride home now. The cop that did the report says I *should* be OK but it's really at the discretion of the officer if I get stopped. What really sucks is that when I get it replaced I don't get it replaced with a personalised plate unless I pay another $300.
You have the police report with you?
Ride it home, but dont continue riding it until you get a new plate.
I did report it to police and 407. What sucks is that I technically can't ride home now. The cop that did the report says I *should* be OK but it's really at the discretion of the officer if I get stopped. What really sucks is that when I get it replaced I don't get it replaced with a personalised plate unless I pay another $300.
Where abouts downtown did it happen? Strange for a custom plate to get stolen.
Where it happened I'm not 100%. I was downtown on university for about 45 minutes. I rode to Broadview/Danforth then parked, rode again same area. When I got off the 2nd time I noticed it.
I'm glad the bike wasn't taken but still inconvenienced of course. I have replaced the plate now, not personalised, sadly. I didn't want to spend the money again, and end up being a victim again. Sucks but what can I do?