Bike/Police fatal crash

I ride that stretch of road all the time and it isn't well travelled.

RIP Rider
This was a good friend of mine, his name was Clayton. I was at the crash site today. He was going east and the cop was going west. I am not sure of his speed but it looks like the cop was trying to be a hero and stop him at all cost, his life. Instead of waiting for him to pass and do a U-turn to turn around and chase him because he knew he would not have a chance. He instead decided to pull diagonally across the street to try and block him. Clayton tried to swerve around the back of the car but did not make it and slammed into the passenger side of the cop car, as there was a skid mark in the oncoming lane to the point of impact. There was a concrete barrier on one side and a gravel ditch on the other. He did not give him anywhere to go or stop. And either the cop tried reversing to block him further or when he went to put it in park after the impact he accidentally left it in reverse and the car rolled backwards into the ditch.This is still under investigation but after seeing the picture and being at the site, this is the only scenario that can make sense. Such a tragedy, he was a great guy and always happy. RIP my friend! You will be missed.
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rip rider
RIP Clayton, a truly good man/friend has been taken far too young .... such a careless act by someone put in a position to serve and protect.
That's some BS, cop was going in opposite direction yet rider collided into the side of his cruiser? That fk'r clearly tried to be a hero now someone is dead over a traffic ticket.

Definitely taken too soon, RIP rider.
That's just sad.. condolences. . Cops were beyond aggressive then.. that's just ******. ..

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Seems like the cop didn't know how to think much. I hope the death of the rider slowly eat him away for the rest of his life.

RIP rider.
RIP Clayton! If that cop is in fact at fault. he better get the full extent punishment for what he did. Cops get off too easily and unfairly!!!
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