Stolen motorcycle on test drive tonight. June-14- 10 pm

Lol that should be posted in what did you do to your track bike thread. You also take cash for test ride in case of accident, people wipe out on unfamiliar bikes.
Unfortunately, that means you will get a fraction of what the bike is worth..

I think that's up to the insurance adjustor and faisal now. I would think he will do his own research on current prices and not take a low ball offer which I assume they will throw at him.

I'm not familiar with the process but there are a lot of threads in the insurance section on the topic.

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I think that's up to the insurance adjustor and faisal now. I would think he will do his own research on current prices and not take a low ball offer which I assume they will throw at him.

I'm not familiar with the process but there are a lot of threads in the insurance section on the topic.

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When my car was stolen i got a more then fair price from SF. I didn't even negotiate.

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I saw the OPP checking vin#'s and asking questions at a TMP track day. Wonder if they are going to do that more often, or at other tracks!!?

because this is Canada....

That's the stupidest thing ever if your a smart thief I'm sure you would buy a 400 clean frame from kijiji and transfer no? I'm sure the Arnt gonna try and find the engine vin they Arnt very easy to see. But maybe most thief's are just dumb.

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People still do test rides? "Hey random person responding to my ad, here is bike and keys, be sure to bring her back" SMDH.
****** it happened to OP but I hear of this same scenario all the time. Someone will always fall for it just like the Nigerian prince scams. No test rides. period.
My last bike sale, the bike was rode a few feet by buyer in locked gate backyard, then I rode it myself around the block, then all was finished paid/signed at insurance office, very safe for buyer/seller.
I hope that was the F***** that died serves him RIGHT years ago my friends bike a FJ 1200 got stolen this guy only knew how to use the back brake in a high speed police chase he lost his life on Dixon Rd .head on collision with a cop car! The Ins. co. wouldn't pay out . The next best thing for ppl like that is a proper pubic hanging! like they did with horse thieves ! Sorry to say but that bike has been stripped for parts by now or has been turned into a track bike. I really hope Im wrong and you get it back

Sounds painful.
I think it always sucks to have a bike stolen. The thought of the theif crashing into a cop was kinda funny though.
There are some basics we should outline so that future people don't fall victim to this.
1. 10pm showing on any night is asking for trouble.
2. Trouble showed up and somehow got on the bike, with the keys, obviously not in a hard position to get away, got away without anyone laying a finger on him. Don't allow any of these things to happen.
3. No flags going up when this guy just shows up on foot? Sounds like getting rid of this bike was desperation?

Honestly, what insurance company or police officer would take this case seriously? No offense, but no care was taken on any level to prevent this. The person at the insurance company would ask logical questions and not like the answers. Police (who may truly want to help) would wonder how much you tried to help yourself. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that they would inquire if this is an insurance scam for lack of due deligence.
Thank's for your superfluous analysis bud.

I've never seen a glass house before... you should really take pics of yours for the rest of us to see.
ITinkle could you post a pic of yourself. . I wanna see the size of your head. .

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