How should I handle this odd situation?


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Last week I was riding to work and I was stopped at a red light waiting for it to change and a silver car pulled up behind me and I heard a quick honk like they accidentally tapped the horn. I looked around and the car behind me was the only car around. I didn't think much of it. The light changed and I rode away and looked in my rearview mirror just to see who it was and it was an older gentleman, probably in his 60's with who I am assuming is his wife. They turn at the next street and that's the end of it.

Today I am stopped at the same light and a dark Honda pulls up beside me in the left turning lane, a silver car pulls up behind me and the right hand lane next to me is empty. I hear a honk and look at the Honda to the left and the driver is looking straight ahead so I don't think it's the Honda. Then I hear someone shouting something and I'm pretty sure I heard the word "motorcycle" so I look over again at the Honda and the driver is looking around too and looks at the car behind me. I turn around and look back but can't see what the driver is doing. The light changes and I ride away and I look in my rearview mirror and it's the same old guy and his wife from last week.

This guy must be old and senile and/or has had a bad experience with a motorcyclist. I thought back to both times and wondered if I maybe cut him off or didn't signal a lane change but I don't recall doing anything that would piss someone off. Both times I was stopped at the light waiting for it to change so I wasn't moving so I don't know what this guy's problem is? I wanted to get off my bike and calmly ask him if there was a problem but I didn't think it was worth it but I was also worried that this guy might actually be crazy and would hit my bike and take off if the light changed. I'm assuming I'll see this guy again since I think he's driving his wife to work in the morning. Both times this has happened it's been around 7:20am. I've only been riding for two seasons so I'm a new rider on a 250 Ninja and I don't ride aggressively. I have no idea what this guy's problem is and it's making me paranoid because I have a bright neon green jacket so I'm easily identifiable and the guy can see me well in advance if he's coming up behind me.
Wait for a third incident with that silver car.
Bring a digital camera and keep it in a place where you can get to it easily.

If the situation happens again, take out the camera, point it backwards at the car in question, and very visibly take a picture of that car's license plate and the driver's face.

It won't happen again after that ...
Why does it have to be something negative? Maybe he's wishing he was you - free soul, riding all day with no responsibilities, no ball-and-chain to hold you down. (His imaginary words, not mine.)

I'm thinking that if he wanted to let you have it he would have hit you already, or at least pull up beside you, but it seems like he just wants to get your attention to say something nice.

"Hey Buddy, nice bike. I see we go the same way everyday. Can you ride my wife to work?"

Chill. Smile and wave. It's Canada - he's probably not packin'.
Do your brake lights work? Maybe he doesn't see you stopped and honks when he realizes you're actually stopped?

Orrrr... threesome.
Maybe he has dementia and thinks that -you- are the wild one and that the rest of your gang of leather clad bikers will come rushing out from around the corner and abduct his wife and newspaper.
If he does it again kick his mirror off then lane split getting away :D

Seriously who knows... could be something positive. :dontknow:
Old people have no clue how to drive. Memorize his license plate and ignore him
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