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  1. FitzR6

    Bell and Rogers inch closer to becoming the only 2 voices in media

    I also disagree with this as well as Rogers finally stopped throttling my damn internet thanks to the CRTC! Now I can upload my torrents at my full 2Mbs.
  2. FitzR6

    Bell and Rogers inch closer to becoming the only 2 voices in media

    I am sorry for my ignorance, but can you explain how Bell buying Astral media = a win for Bell + Rogers? You do understand they are competitors right? That they are publicly traded companies? You live in Ontario and make a claim that they have monopoly on Wireless and Cable service across...
  3. FitzR6

    Shoei or Arai? Which is best?

    ARAI fits better, SHOEI is quieter. Aside from this I feel and see no difference.
  4. FitzR6

    LEO is out in full force!

    They are running a distracted driver campaign/blitz
  5. FitzR6

    Anyone have experience with shipping a car within Canada?

    I've used them for 3 bikes. Great experience each time.
  6. FitzR6


    Yoga +++
  7. FitzR6

    When does riding season officially start in Ontario?

    With all the bikes I've seen on the streets this year, I would say it's still going from 2011...
  8. FitzR6

    3 days of riding in southern spain

    Nice! I can't wait to see some pic of the amazing time I did not have lol
  9. FitzR6

    Increase Ontario 400-series Highway Speed Limit

    The speed limit is just another excuse for a cop to pull you over. Who really drives at 100km? ...and if they don't get you for speeding, it will be for your cellphone or plate sticker or not signaling or for following too closely etc. Just be aware of your surroundings, try your best to...
  10. FitzR6

    what are the best street tires for 2012?

    My Dunlop Q2's got sticky really quickly, feedback was good and I was still able to ride in the rain, whereas my Pirelli Diablo Supersorsas took much longer to warm up but stuck to the pavement like glue after about 7 minutes. However, if it rained or the pavement was moist, I would not dare...
  11. FitzR6

    where to buy gear?

    My favorites in no particular order are: Royal Distributing (biggest selection, fair prices, good customer service) GP Bikes (Big selection, higher quality gear, high premium, great customer service) Kahuna Powersports (Decent selection, comparable prices, great customer service,) you might...
  12. FitzR6

    what are the best street tires for 2012?

    Just as the title says, what would you guys say is the best street tire for 2012? I think for 2011 the Dunlop Q2's were best overall, is it still the Q2 for 2012?
  13. FitzR6

    More Bull**** from Ontario insurance companies for young riders

    When I was younger my choices were A. Take the bus B. Break the law - guess which I chose? ...and guess where it got me? $5000 and 7 years later, I am finally clean lol
  14. FitzR6

    TAX TIME - Do you have a good tax accountant?

    Pretty basic, but I've had bad experiences with places like HnR block in the past. I got my T4, company stock account, RRSP's, personal stock account, tuition, daycare fees, sports fees which I paid for my son and that's about it. You recommending?
  15. FitzR6

    TAX TIME - Do you have a good tax accountant?

    Just as the title says, do you have a good tax accountant? My guy stopped doing only tax only clients to focus on his investment business. I usually paid him about $200 and he would do a great job with my tax return, as well as handle any audits that followed. Last thing I want is to take a...
  16. FitzR6

    jailbroken iOS tweaks

    The iPad or girlfriend?
  17. FitzR6


    bwahaha I though I was going to be reading about Jersey Shore hahaha
  18. FitzR6

    Crown wants to withdraw charges ...

    Re: UPDATE: I WON!!! I reposted the datails of what happened as I had previously edited post number four in order to not jeopardize my case. Now that my trial is over I am able to disclose the details.
  19. FitzR6

    Crown wants to withdraw charges ...

    Re: UPDATE: I WON!!! So I went to court, defended myself at trial and won!!!!! Cop came and lied his *** off while on the stand. He claimed that he followed me for over 10 km and watched as I was racing another bike, lane splitting and weaving across all three lanes during stop and go...
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