So I went to court, defended myself at trial and won!!!!!
Cop came and lied his *** off while on the stand. He claimed that he followed me for over 10 km and watched as I was racing another bike, lane splitting and weaving across all three lanes during stop and go traffic.
He also claimed that he was able to follow two bikes without being seen while not having his lights on, in stop and go traffic, and without ever loosing sight of these two bikes, simple by using his indicators. He stated and I quote "I was very surprised how the people of Toronto respond to a police car and get out of the way" <- lol yes, when emergency lights are on, which his were not.
I also was given disclosure and the dashcam video 24 hours before trial. The dashcam video conveniently only recorded from when the cop was behind me with his lights on. There was no evidence of me riding as he claimed other than his word.
So the prosecutor asked him questions about what happened to which he described this incredible tail of trailing of two bikes along the DVP. It was just that, an incredible tail, with so many holes that a skinny kid scared out of his mind, with no formal law training was able to tear holes in his story left, right and center.
At the end of the day it's just sad that I was found not guilty, but thanks to HTA 172, I like so many others have already paid the price. Where is the justice in that?