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  1. SeaBreez

    Astronomy and 2 wheels

    [But at least I get to do 2 of my favorite activities in one night. :D] @SeaBreez: Thanks for the heads up. Actually, you won't need dark skies for these 2 events, but hope for a cloudless sky. But for anyone interested in deep sky observations, you can download these free sky charts with a...
  2. SeaBreez


  3. SeaBreez


    LOL, eyeblouses! I guess it's all about following the fashion magazines. Not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, my first encounter with eyeblouses happened in the 60's as a kid, watching my mother carefully shave off hers, then trace "new ones" on with an eyebrow pencil. I asked why...
  4. SeaBreez

    Suzuki Boulevard C50

    My 2 cents: I rode my friends C50T, it has enough power comfort etc., but if you can handle the weight, why not go for something with more power such as the Vulcan 900 or bigger.
  5. SeaBreez

    Astronomy and 2 wheels

    If you want to see some awesome heavenly treats, then hop on the bike and ride away from any "light pollution" the city may cast. Mark these dates in your phones: Aug 10th view the "perigee full moon" or "super moon" and...
  6. SeaBreez

    Somewhere on Kennedy? JESUS

    Welcome to the forum, and to the two wheeled brotherhood. On Thursday nights there are also meet ups at Leslie & Lakeshore (Tim's) and Haugen's BBQ in Manchester, (Port Perry area).
  7. SeaBreez

    Interesting graph on ages, violations, and crashes.

    Hell ya, it's scary! It's texting, unruly kids, eating and a gambit of other distractions that makes driving, waiting for a bus or just plain going outside risky. Coming home on the 401 Saturday, my friend got pushed out of her lane by a cager, in heavy crawling traffic. How can a bike win...
  8. SeaBreez

    New to this forum

    Welcome to the forum, how do you like your bike? (handling, acceleration etc.).
  9. SeaBreez

    2014 Demo Days

    Having sat on the Goldwing at the last two Toronto Bike Shows, our friend, wife and I headed up to Team Honda Powerhouse of Milton for the Saturday July 26th "Rock The Red" demo rides to actually see first hand how it performed. My opinion of the Goldwing is as follows. (Not intended to offend...
  10. SeaBreez

    How many km on your bike this season?

    5,000 km so far, goal is usually met at about 10,000.
  11. SeaBreez

    Saturday July 5 - Ride to Campbellford for Lunch

    Nice F6B. Thanks for joining us on our "Lake shore route" to Brighton for lunch. The back roads home were great too!
  12. SeaBreez

    Best non-slab route home from Watkins Glen?

    Hmmm... I did a similar ride last year, except slightly west of Hwy 86/390. I took the back way... Hwy. 417 (Addison Rd.) to Hwy. 36 along scenic Canisteo-River Road to Canisteo, Hornell, then Hwy 70 to Portageville, through Letchworth St. Park, Mt. Morris, Geneseo then 20A home (not as scenic...
  13. SeaBreez

    Very close call

    O.P. glad you are alive and able to share your story. As I'm sure you all are aware - increasingly, we as riders must take the situation into our own hands and take evasive maneuvers to save our lives! I've lost count of just how many times I've had to skid, swerve or "crack it" to avoid...
  14. SeaBreez

    Midtown high school students must pass breathalyzer test before entering the prom

    THE '70's were pretty awesome. Not only did we have rifle range and archery in gym class but most of us carried a folding pocket knife to school. Not that we ever intended to harm anyone, it was just a normal thing to do back then. Breathalyzers - now that is just wrong.
  15. SeaBreez

    Day trip suggestions

    Here are some other roads to consider. Full of great links and lots of options.
  16. SeaBreez

    April 12 2014...Lakeshore Rd.- Newcastle to Port Hope - Sand Sand Sand!

    Just a heads up - Lakeshore road is still about 80% full of loose sand and some new pot holes. So take her easy if you head out there. Still a nice scenic ride just at a slower pace.
  17. SeaBreez

    What rifle should I buy?

    Thanks again for all the help, we will be going to Oshawa Skeet and Gun Club to fire our first shells, then try to bag some turkeys.
  18. SeaBreez

    What rifle should I buy?

    Thanks for the help. After visiting several gun shops, and lots of hemming and hawing, I ended up buying the 12 ga. Winchester 28" SXP Black Shadow 3.5" chamber with 3 Invector + choke tubes. Not as nicely finished as the Browning BPS Hunter I bought my son, but I'm sure to have some fun. Now...
  19. SeaBreez

    What rifle should I buy?

    Thanks for the help everyone. I'll try Flaherty's tomorrow. Just like car shopping one dealers says this, while another says that.... some say the 870 sucks, while others say the quality issue has been fixed. Same goes with the Mossberg 3 barrel package. It was so much easier buying the BPS...
  20. SeaBreez

    What rifle should I buy?

    Thanks for the heads up on the 870. Is there a place where I could look at model 88? I signed up for gunnutz, thanks.
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