New to this forum


Well-known member
Hi all :)
New around here, just wanted to say hi, looking forward to sharing ideas and conversations with everyone!
Welcome to the forum, how do you like your bike? (handling, acceleration etc.).
Thanks for the welcomes :)

I'm riding a 2012 Suzuki C50T. For what this bike is, it's great!! Handles really well, brakes are great, engine is comfy at 80-100 kph, it'll putt along happily at legal speeds all day and night. Maintenance is a breeze.

I come from a sport bike background, started on a ysr 80 back in the day and worked my way up to litre class machines. Been riding 23 years, worked in the motorcycle industry for 5 years. Been on cruisers since 2007, miss sport bikes from time to time, but for the most part, my back and other joints don't. Really nice to be here on a Canadian, forum, especially for GTA riders, it's nice to talk to my neighbours!
Greetings and welcome aboard! Sounds like you have a lot of knowledge and wisdom to share with us. I look forward to reading more of your posts! :)
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