Saturday July 5 - Ride to Campbellford for Lunch


Well-known member
Edit: Weather Permitting!

Saturday July 5
ride to Campbellford for lunch

Meet time - 9:45am, departure at 10:00am

Location - Shell Gas Station, Waverly & Baseline Rd, Bowmanville (Tim Hortons across street)

Destination - Capers Restaurant, Campbellford (

Route - TBD

Duration - Approx 5 hours?

Continuing my slow expansion and exploration. I have never ridden these roads, been to Campbellford or Capers Restaurant. Looks like some decent roads to get there and back (somewhat). We will discuss the route at our meeting location. It's really just a ride for adventure!

Keep in mind this is my first year riding, so I am a noob and learning everything as I go. I have no experience organizing rides or any events for that matter. Low expectations! :)
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Sorry folks! I am going to do this ride alone.

Through some helpful messages and rational/logical thinking I have realized that I am not ready, or equipped to be organizing/leading rides.

Despite my good intentions and wishes – I am jumping into deeper waters a little too quickly… I still need to splash about in the shallow end a while.

Thanks for the advice and pointers to all who have helped me!

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Nice F6B. Thanks for joining us on our "Lake shore route" to Brighton for lunch. The back roads home were great too!
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