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So recently, I've become obsessed with eyebrows stemming from all the Instagram selfies I keep seeing in my feed. Some are really nice and some are downright ridiculous.

So I start googling how-to YouTube videos and came across this one...I can't stop watching it 'cause it cracks me up.


And I agree with him.
Eyebrows are like balls. You definitely want two of them.
There was a Girl working at burrito boys last year, the best eyebrows ever and she was hot as well.
Haha!! I love it when he says this part of your face cannot look like the Google logo!
LOL, eyeblouses! I guess it's all about following the fashion magazines. Not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, my first encounter with eyeblouses happened in the 60's as a kid, watching my mother carefully shave off hers, then trace "new ones" on with an eyebrow pencil. I asked why she did that and her reply, after planting a kiss on my cheek with her over red lipstick was... don't you want your mom to look beautiful? With that I wiped the goop off my face and ran outside to play cowboys and Indians with my friends. Here are some pre-photoshop beauties. Anyone recognize these famous eyeblouses of note: //
1) Marlene Dietrich (I think)
2) Bette Davis
My sister does permanent makeup which is basically tattooing eyebrows. Women seem to go crazy over this stuff. I appreciate a nice eyebrow but as long as they don't look like Uncle Leo's from Seinfeld I'm not that picky about it
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