Parkside drive camera cut down for the third time in the last few months. This time they threw it in the pond. Residents say it's necessary and point to a ticket for 154 in the posted 40 zone as a reason. Umm. wtf. Someone going 154 in a 40 doesn't give a rats ass about the camera. This is picking off tons of people going downhill at 50 km/h which was the speed limit before it was lowered with no change in road design. If parkside was as dangerous as the fines indicate ($7M so far from this camera), a cop should be there full time to catch the dangerous criminals. Pure fundraising. Nothing to do with safety.

Parkside Drive speed camera vandalized for 3rd time this year
The Parkside Drive speed camera was installed after two seniors were killed in a multi-vehicle crash on Oct. 12, 2021.

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