Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
I used to hang around with a semi driver that drove all kinds of cargo including booze. A case of whiskey (12 X $50) is $600. 20 cases per layer on a skid ($12,000) times five layers = $60,000 per skid times 40 skids = $2,400,000. No serial numbers to fudge. Cigarettes are similar.

I mentioned the theft of a trailer of frozen turkeys to him and what the thief was going to do with 20 tons of turkeys.

He said all they had to do is find one crooked butcher and he will know another ten who will in turn know another ten each. They'd be gone in a couple of days.
Restaurants are another popular path for stolen meat. As long as it's cold, priced right and passes the smell test (literally), there are a lot of restaurants that aren't too concerned with provenance. Margins are tight and cutting you input cost substantially makes a big difference. They can't take a trailer load but you can offload a few thousand dollars of meat (and probably booze) quite easily.
Truck theft has been around a while... why do think the Teamsters are so powerful

I know a guy with a truck tire service, it's regular thing to get your trailer stolen... for the wheels.
alcoa wheels "were" over grand each, the tire another $400-700... x 12 on a trailer
Tires and wheels have serial numbers now
Molson's used to lose a trailer a week on average
When Loblaws sold cigarettes, the warehouse was losing 3-4 trailers of smokes a month

Some stuff is easier to get rid of than other stuff... my brother the cop was showing off his new Kawi side by side... that he paid $2000 for... yeah it fell off a truck
Some stuff is easier to get rid of than other stuff... my brother the cop was showing off his new Kawi side by side... that he paid $2000 for... yeah it fell off a truck

When even the cops are for sale............There was one NRP officer running a stolen cheese ring a few years back. I think he got a temporary demotion IIRC.
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I used to hang around with a semi driver that drove all kinds of cargo including booze. A case of whiskey (12 X $50) is $600. 20 cases per layer on a skid ($12,000) times five layers = $60,000 per skid times 40 skids = $2,400,000. No serial numbers to fudge. Cigarettes are similar.

I mentioned the theft of a trailer of frozen turkeys to him and what the thief was going to do with 20 tons of turkeys.

He said all they had to do is find one crooked butcher and he will know another ten who will in turn know another ten each. They'd be gone in a couple of days.
The hot set up is having a crooked contact in a customs brokerage joint that can give you the what and where.
The hot set up is having a crooked contact in a customs brokerage joint that can give you the what and where.
Back in the day the baggage handlers at the airport had all the cool new stuff. They also tended to have the best weed/hash. Hopefully they're watched a bit more closely these days and there are a LOT more cameras around (this was in the late '70s/early '80s).
Back in the day the baggage handlers at the airport had all the cool new stuff. They also tended to have the best weed/hash. Hopefully they're watched a bit more closely these days and there are a LOT more cameras around (this was in the late '70s/early '80s).
Well, they did release a skid of gold. The cameras showed what happened in retrospect but didn't stop the release.
Did they recover the gold and how long do they go to prison?

Is the payout worth it?

I'd sentence them to custody until the gold is recovered plus another ten.

No they didn't... it's gone.
Yes the payout was more than worth it.
The charges are actually pretty minor.. don't be surprised if they don't get any time for it.
Did they recover the gold and how long do they go to prison?

Is the payout worth it?

I'd sentence them to custody until the gold is recovered plus another ten.
They didn't get the gold. Just a few hundred thousand in cash and toys that they bought.
The other side of the water gun assault story.
You don't see the actual incident in his video... but you can see enough to know the woman is lying.

Ya think?

Maybe she is a bitchy neighbour. Any chance he’s just an antisocial whack job throwing race cards? Called cops 15 times? Full on gangsta garb for cutting the grass, but dressed like a frat boy in a pink Lacoste polo for CBC . Nothing wrong with either, just an observation.

The media has focused on the watergun lady, the public on the neighbour. As I see it the focus should be on the OPP. You’d think they’d have some common sense, understanding of the law, and the ability to mediate a spat between neighbours. Taxpayers are paying her salary, and our already overloaded criminal court gets to waste time on a silly case.
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