Toronto to waste +6 Mill Renaming Dundas street.

I'm not surprised by anything City of Toronto Council does, or in most cases fails to do. A change this big with ramifications to others should go to a referendum because it directly impacts taxpayers who own properties or operate businesses along Dundas Streets East and West. The cost of this insanity will be far beyond the $6M estimate, and that doesn't include the cost to private individuals. The entire Council has lost it's collective mind and should be recalled!
SJW KWT is trying to make it illegal to feed pigeons too. She really needs some real problems in her life. Even if that gets passed, will there be any enforcement?
I read somewhere that Queen Victoria wasn't a good mother example. Erase Victoria from the acceptable street names.

A John is the customer of a prostitute. Rename John Street. We wouldn't want to sully the neighbourhood.

Any Saint street would have to be clarified as to the relationship with the Catholic church. Rename St. Clair Ave.

Who was Yonge?

The Duke of Wellington was a war monger and probably not a vegan. Screw him.

If we're going to have a witch hunt, burn them all.
I read somewhere that Queen Victoria wasn't a good mother example. Erase Victoria from the acceptable street names.

A John is the customer of a prostitute. Rename John Street. We wouldn't want to sully the neighbourhood.

Any Saint street would have to be clarified as to the relationship with the Catholic church. Rename St. Clair Ave.

Who was Yonge?

The Duke of Wellington was a war monger and probably not a vegan. Screw him.

If we're going to have a witch hunt, burn them all.
Back to numbered streets. Except what about 13 and 66 and numbers that start with four and . . . Wankers. Leave well enough alone, there is no win there is only waste.
SJW KWT is trying to make it illegal to feed pigeons too. She really needs some real problems in her life. Even if that gets passed, will there be any enforcement?

I thought feeding wildlife was interfering, already against the law. Stop feeding the Canada geese and make it possible to walk through a park without getting crap on your shoes. People used to be able to go to a park, throw down a blanket and have a picnic, catch some sun. Not now.
Who the hell.feeds Canada geese?

Gotta say in my 48 years here I've never seen this.

Ducks yes,.seagulls (pls quit feeding both of them them) but never geese.

Walk anywhere in the spring there is goose ****. Is not from people feeding them imo
Who the hell.feeds Canada geese?

Gotta say in my 48 years here I've never seen this.

Ducks yes,.seagulls (pls quit feeding both of them them) but never geese.

Walk anywhere in the spring there is goose ****. Is not from people feeding them imo
They no longer migrate and are no longer afraid of humans. Yes people feed them.
Re Yonge Street:

When Yonge died, indebted, on 25 September 1812 at Hampton Court, the baronetcy died with him.[3] Initially he was interred at the place of his death but his remains were later exhumed and transported by sea to be laid to rest in the family crypt in the parish of Colyton. The re-burial was reputed to have taken place by night in fear that his creditors may seize the body.

Following the path of financial ridiculousness.....
I say every street should either be called.

1. This Way


2. That Way

Anything else is racist, sexist or whatever "ist" you want it to be.

Can someone please explain to me how math is racist? lol
If 10 indians are sent to a residential school and two get out, how much does this save the justice system in three generations? (Tongue firmly in cheek).

I agree, the article should have had an example. Conventional "news" outlets are really screwing the pooch with stories that would be embarassing for even a blogger to release.
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I say every street should either be called.

1. This Way


2. That Way

Anything else is racist, sexist or whatever "ist" you want it to be.

Already been done kinda in Nova Scotia.
This Street, Porters Lake, Nova Scotia
You can't call them Gypsy Moths any more. It could offend the Roma people. It's LDD.

LDD stands for lymantria dispar dispar, the scientific name for gypsy moth, er, I mean this particular insect species
Already been done kinda in Nova Scotia.
This Street, Porters Lake, Nova Scotia
I demand it for EVERY street...
And don't record my mental breakdown!!
And don't forget That St!
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