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Captured, bled and Released..
The crabs in that picture dont look like they are in any condition to be released back into the wild... Also thats some alien looking stuff :alien:

science is cool and creepy sometimes...
Captured, bled and Released..
The crabs in that picture dont look like they are in any condition to be released back into the wild... Also thats some alien looking stuff :alien:
I watched something on that a while ago. Apparently very little research has been published on mortality. They take x % of blood and release for the optics but you'd think if mortality was low, they would publish the relevant studies. The absence of published studies leads me to believe it's a literal bloodbath.
I watched something on that a while ago. Apparently very little research has been published on mortality. They take x % of blood and release for the optics but you'd think if mortality was low, they would publish the relevant studies. The absence of published studies leads me to believe it's a literal bloodbath.
From those pics, it looks like they have been cut in half... and the bottles look like they hold the entire crabs blood supply.
There's a soft spoken poster from Florida on YouTube by the handle of Beau of the fifth column that does five or so minute clips of political comments. He points out fallacies and is therefore critical of Trumps policies. He doesn't push Biden.

He made an interesting comment regarding the Florida reopening. He's not particularly worried about the spread of Covid. His logic is that Florida is a tourism state and the people that get infected will mostly be tourists who will go home and spread the disease there, not in Florida.

Thank you Mr DeSantis.

There are a number of snowbirds that own two trailer homes, one here and the other in Florida. The ones here may not be built for Canadian winters, nor the parks built to service them, frozen water lines, limited electrical power and road access. It could be expensive for someone.

It will be interesting to see the conflict unfold. We had a trailer decades ago and the lot fee contract in essence said it was a seasonal lot closed from October to May. Since it wasn't a full time residence renters had few rights. People living in trailers tend to not have a lot of money for alternate accommodation or lawyers.

I know one that will move in with his widowed mother which would be good for both. Most others aren't so lucky.
as more and more people take the effort to get tested we will see numbers go up. And as more and more folks decide the are 'all done with covid for now' , what ever the heck that means , the effort to remain vigilant drops off and the numbers go up.
as more and more people take the effort to get tested we will see numbers go up. And as more and more folks decide the are 'all done with covid for now' , what ever the heck that means , the effort to remain vigilant drops off and the numbers go up.
Toronto was responsible for half of the provinces numbers. It would be interesting to see how many were related to the bar hopping knobs. They were at two infecting 20 with 80 additional close contacts plus who knows how many more incidental contacts so that could easily be 100 or more cases.
Toronto was responsible for half of the provinces numbers. It would be interesting to see how many were related to the bar hopping knobs. They were at two infecting 20 with 80 additional close contacts plus who knows how many more incidental contacts so that could easily be 100 or more cases.

I'm very glad that all my hard work in practising drinking at home in years past has finally come to fruition.
I'm very glad that all my hard work in practising drinking at home in years past has finally come to fruition.
When you look at the liquor cabinet and question the amount of money sitting there and they you realize that you could have spent that in a few nights of drinking at bars downtown and caught the rona in the process you feel much happier. I picked up another bottle of Empress. Damn it's good.
When you look at the liquor cabinet and question the amount of money sitting there and they you realize that you could have spent that in a few nights of drinking at bars downtown and caught the rona in the process you feel much happier. I picked up another bottle of Empress. Damn it's good.

Not sure if it's really a problem but I now have more than one liquor cabinet and my wife is complaining about my beer stash in the wine fridge I bought for her birthday.
as more and more people take the effort to get tested we will see numbers go up. And as more and more folks decide the are 'all done with covid for now' , what ever the heck that means , the effort to remain vigilant drops off and the numbers go up.
Yes I believe this as well. I know a few people who just in the past couple of months have been tested several times. And they are not doing anything risky like the stupid stuff reported. Just being sure.
Here are this weeks Covid rules at my kids school. TLDR, if you keep symptomatic kids homes, they can come back quickly, if they get sent home, they need a covid test result, 14 day vacation, or doctors note.

"Each day students must take and pass the Covid -19 screening with their parents to come to school.

Covid -19 (one or more of the following symptoms): Fever Chills Cough Shortness of breath Sore throat Difficulty swallowing Pink eye Headache Digestive issues Sore muscles Extreme tiredness Falling down often Sluggish/lack of appetite (young children) Lost sense of taste/smell Runny/stuffy/congested nose

IF parents keep their symptomatic child(ren) home, they may return 24 hours after being symptom free

IF the school sends your child home with symptoms, your child should have a negative Covid - 19 test AND be 24 hours symptom free OR self -isolate for 14 days from the onset of symptoms OR have the permission of a doctor to return without the test."
Here are this weeks Covid rules at my kids school. TLDR, if you keep symptomatic kids homes, they can come back quickly, if they get sent home, they need a covid test result, 14 day vacation, or doctors note.

"Each day students must take and pass the Covid -19 screening with their parents to come to school.

Covid -19 (one or more of the following symptoms): Fever Chills Cough Shortness of breath Sore throat Difficulty swallowing Pink eye Headache Digestive issues Sore muscles Extreme tiredness Falling down often Sluggish/lack of appetite (young children) Lost sense of taste/smell Runny/stuffy/congested nose

IF parents keep their symptomatic child(ren) home, they may return 24 hours after being symptom free

IF the school sends your child home with symptoms, your child should have a negative Covid - 19 test AND be 24 hours symptom free OR self -isolate for 14 days from the onset of symptoms OR have the permission of a doctor to return without the test."

Falling down often?

Would anyone actually be sending their kids to school in a normal year if they were falling down often?
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