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Appears that California is handling it decently.

It also has a Democrat state government, for whatever that might be worth :)

I have little doubt that Ontario has only captured a small fraction of the cases that are already out there. Same situation as most places. The bad news is that this will lead to significant community spread (already happening). The good news is that this probably means the mortality rate for infections as a whole is nowhere near as high as that reported based on actual known cases.

I'm not sure having Newsom there really helps, democrat or not.

It's the front line Public Health staff in conjunction with the CDC that just put their head down and just got on with it. Can't thank these guys enough, especially when they are putting their health on the line to help others.
Re rights to privacy: If someone endangers me or my family they have relinquished all rights.
No problem, the dude you are looking for can only been viewed under an electron microscope, he is round, has tentacles and looks a little bit like a squeaky dog toy. You are going to need a smaller gun.
I need a new set of Pirelli Scorpions. I believe they are made in Rome, Georgia and not Rome, Italy so hopefully they may still have some stock.
I need a new set of Pirelli Scorpions. I believe they are made in Rome, Georgia and not Rome, Italy so hopefully they may still have some stock.
They are probably made in several Pirelli production facilities around the world, that's why the stamp on the sidewall can be changed easy.
Which ones are the soft ones, that's the one you want to buy.
... at one time the ones stamped Spain were great and the same model tire stamped USA were garbage.
As always in times of crisis, carlin is right:
He's right, we all have the right to be informed, so if you've been in isolation for the last few months:
Yes there is at least one full blown pandemic happening right now. You, me, anything with lungs that breaths air :| we have all been subjected to it, consider your right to be informed as fulfilled. Or do you really want somebody to lick a stamp and envelope to mail it to you :|

... good to see people finally clueing in on the stupidity of closing borders to defend against something that has already been identified as a pandemic (y)
The virus doesn't give a crap about your rights, nor your citizenship.

It will, however, take any opportunity to spread itself from an infected person to as many non-infected as quickly as possible. Minimizing interpersonal interactions is the countermeasure. Airports. Airplanes. Passport control inside the airport. (And conferences, and big meetings, and nightclubs, etc.)
It will, however, take any opportunity to spread itself from an infected person to as many non-infected as quickly as possible. Minimizing interpersonal interactions is the countermeasure. Airports. Airplanes. Passport control inside the airport. (And conferences, and big meetings, and nightclubs, etc.)
That would have been brilliant advice if now was months ago.
Better advice now might be to put a plastic bucket next to your toilet.
Just got back from the grocery store. Place was jammed, not one cart available, parking lot full. I was not expecting this. I do my weekly shopping Monday mornings as it is light, and this store is kinda secluded. Got some more bread, no water, or TP. Canned food little light. Everyone was buying eggs for whatever reason.

I can see this getting worse once the Gov does the announcements today.
I noticed the lack of eggs as well...
Try a higher end grocery store. I went to walmart and No Frills Friday afternoon, absolute chaos. Went to Coppas on Dufferin Sunday afternoon, business as usual although some sections were looking a bit sparse.

Don't even bother with Costco at this point. seems to be the epicenter of grocery hysteria
Try a higher end grocery store. I went to walmart and No Frills Friday afternoon, absolute chaos. Went to Coppas on Dufferin Sunday afternoon, business as usual although some sections were looking a bit sparse.

Don't even bother with Costco at this point. seems to be the epicenter of grocery hysteria
I live in Scarborough, we are not allowed high end stores :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Actully there is a Coppas near me I will go check them out. Might go out again just to try and see what I can find.
I think you give people less credit than I do! I don’t envision a walking dead scenario

It's not "people" plural. As I said before:

All it takes is one nutjob who's watched one too many episodes of Walking Dead and decides that he's doing a community service by taking out all the people on the infected list in his neighbourhood one-by-one with a shotgun.

All it takes is one person.

I give credit to a lot of people not to park a truck full of fertilizer in front of a government building and blow it up.
But all it took was one person.

I give credit to plenty of people not to bring a rifle into a class in a Montreal university and kill 14 women.
But all it took was one person.

I give lots of credit to pretty much everyone not to behead a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus to Winnipeg.
But all it took was one person.

So yeah, I feel that pretty much everyone would look at list on a website of people infected with COVID-19 and *NOT* go to their house and shoot them with a shotgun thinking they're going to save the kids.

But all it takes is one person.
Y'all know part of staying healthy against something like this is to not stress out, right?
Douggie press conference.

  1. Working on law to protect jobs if you are in quarantine, have to self-isolate or look after your kids you cannot lose your job. Retroactive to January. Unlimited time period allowed. (Isn't this a tiny portion of those being affected? I think the vast majority of the people affected are losing either because their are no customers or they are told not to go to work to prevent spread. Neither of these issues is addressed by this)
  2. No sick notes required for Covid. Retroactive to January.
  3. Provincial budget delayed. Instead of full budget, a one year guess will be presented.
  4. No decision yet on shutdown. Driven by CMO.

Douggie advocates to close border to visitors (not canadian citizens, not to trade and commerce). Decision is federal, he can just provide his opinion.

Stupid question from a reporter "Is there any discussion on limiting inter-provincial movement"? FFS, borders have no meaning. If there is an attempt to limit spread, it should be based on a full lockdown, radius you are allowed to travel or something similar. An arbitrary line on a map means nothing.

Current infections still travel sourced. No community sourced yet (although that seems to be optimistic interpretation as the the mining show guy was brushed off as "he got it from the show, not the community at large" and as he didn't leave the province, calling it travel related is either obtuse or disingenuous.)

Next dumb question "Are you worried about the effect on markets if you don't present a full budget". Markets are a &%&% dumpster fire. Nobody gives a flying ^*&^ about the numbers Ontario makes up.

Good question from media. "Jobs are protected but what about income"? Working on retroactive EI coverage for these employees (again I think this is almost a BS approach as the number of official cases/isolations is a few orders of magnitude below those that have been canned/not employed as a result of social distancing).

Some changes coming for Hydro time of use rates. No information on what that might look like.

Ottawa public health as one case being reported as community spread. Reported asked why the discrepancy. Gov says assumed to be direct contact spread until it is proven that a case has never had contact with another known case (wtf??? Why spend that much time and effort doing that).
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It's not "people" plural. As I said before:

All it takes is one person.

I give credit to a lot of people not to park a truck full of fertilizer in front of a government building and blow it up.
But all it took was one person.

I give credit to plenty of people not to bring a rifle into a class in a Montreal university and kill 14 women.
But all it took was one person.

I give lots of credit to pretty much everyone not to behead a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus to Winnipeg.
But all it took was one person.

So yeah, I feel that pretty much everyone would look at list on a website of people infected with COVID-19 and *NOT* go to their house and shoot them with a shotgun thinking they're going to save the kids.

But all it takes is one person.

One nut job in a rented van brings it close to home.
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