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Pretty sure one person could have infected a country. Is that death toll ok as long as we keep the name of a careless carrier private?

It's a terrible thing that's going on across the world with to many sick and unfortunately to many deceased....but I do not think it is acceptable at all to disclose peoples names and medical situation. That's a private matter and we should all expect that privacy if we find ourselves in a poor medical situation.
My two dogs are completely oblivious to the corona virus pandemic. They continue to sleep where they want, $hit and pi$$ outside where they want, and are fed and watered daily.

Oh if life was just that easy .

Stay safe and be well everyone.

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"What will you do if someone infected doesn't self-isolate to the degree that you will be satisfied with?

What will you do to protect your kids and your family?
You write like you think I’m searching for a purpose to use my guns. I would use the info to make an informed Decision on as to whether I go to the office, a particular store, and whether I continue or assist the vulnerable folks I help. I think there should be a reasonable in house quarantine guideline, with penalties for those who breach it.

how far will I go to protect my family? I won’t be killing zombies until the enter my house or touch my motorcycles.
To not piss off trump I assume. If he hears we think Americans are "dirty" he'd probably tear up NAFTA in a heartbeat... or do something else stupid.
And to prove once again that he is completely incapable of making a tough decision. Take the middle road, try not to piss anyone off and spend freely. His motto in life.
What you really want is a few rabbits - 300lbs of meat per female / yr.

bonus is you can throw their manure right on your garden. No composting needed.

Rabbit is okay but... Too lean.
You'll die eating nothing but rabbit.
Protein poisoning.
To not piss off trump I assume. If he hears we think Americans are "dirty" he'd probably tear up NAFTA in a heartbeat... or do something else stupid.
Ya that was a spineless move by Trudeau... I would believe they are our biggest threat right now. Close it off completely none of this half *** nonsense. They are also sending mixed messages, hoping Canadians will do the right thing (yes leave it up to the dumb), half closing the border, half closing resturants, places of business... Just fn'ing close it all sit tight and let it blow over.
Ya that was a spineless move by Trudeau... I would believe they are our biggest threat right now. Close it off completely none of this half *** nonsense. They are also sending mixed messages, hoping Canadians will do the right thing (yes leave it up to the dumb), half closing the border, half closing resturants, places of business... Just fn'ing close it all sit tight and let it blow over.

Yeah, businesses everywhere around me are closed. I am still sitting in my retail job right now though (we are low foot traffic so I'm not overly scared yet). Waiting for Dougy to tell us all to go home.

I need to find toilet paper soon or go give my neighbors an unfriendly visit.

Also have to go to the laundromat today. Pray for me friends.
Idris elba just confirmed hes got corona, but had/has no symptoms...
1. Why are they going to get tested if they have no symptoms?
2. Isnt this irresponsible? The amount of test kits available is limited, do the rich have a bunch of extra test kits lying around?
3. If you dont have symptoms but still have the virus and decide to go out and get tested, arent you spreading it to more people?
Ya that was a spineless move by Trudeau... I would believe they are our biggest threat right now. Close it off completely none of this half *** nonsense. They are also sending mixed messages, hoping Canadians will do the right thing (yes leave it up to the dumb), half closing the border, half closing resturants, places of business... Just fn'ing close it all sit tight and let it blow over.
Honestly, how many people are trying to get in that aren't exempted by CDN PR, CDN citizen or US citizen? 12? It was a lot of hoopla with no substance.
:unsure:Maybe they would like us to still have access to food that your can't grow this far north
Its the chair girl from toronto
There are a lot of people that live in one country and work in the other in border towns, not millions but a lot. As others noted they also don't want to piss off the orange dude. Even if "trade" is still allowed it is not that simple to have trade without people. For whatever reason, running a country is not one dimensional even when it comes to covid19.

As far as any measures, my guess....we want it here (keep reading) but we want to slow the pace to not overwhelm the hospitals (flatten the curve blah blah...). It will not go away on its own worldwide, either you get it or you get a vaccine, so with no vaccine... Lock everything down too soon and you just delay the major outbreak, not prevent it, might as well let it seep in.

Also keep in mind, Canada has something like 2.4 hospital beds for every 1000 people, that is 0.24%...if 10 to 20% are serious and need beds we obviously need to slow the pace.
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Virus is mostly concentrated where all the people are(Ontario, BC, a few on AB)
See that right there is why you put paper on the toilet seat before you sit down, lol some pretty girl might have just finished licking it.?

You guys never have a pneumonia before? You know it when the sound of your own lungs is like carbonated pop.
Ya I should think most of the reported cases will be where all the people are.

Somebody else is welcome to my hospital bed.
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I just saw something at Harbor Freight that looked interesting. What do I go through for a couple hour trip to Buffalo?

Is my travel health insurance valid when the government says don't leave the country?

Will the USA let me in?

Will Canada let me back in?

Will I have to self isolate?

Would going make me a hypocrite?

Is it un-Canadian?
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